Drinking of the Spirit

John 7:37-39


Introduction: That Rock is Jesus.  We have seen the parallel of the rock in the desert and the Rock on the Cross.  The children of Israel drank of that spiritual water and today we can drink of that spiritual water that flowed from Jesus’ side.


I.             In that last day – Vs 37

A.    Some background of that last day Jesus was speaking of.

1.     This was the eighth day of the festival.

2.     “That Great Day”

a.     The day of solemn assembly – Leviticus 23:26

b.     It was the closing scene

c.     The previous days sacrifices were offered for the heathen nations as well as themselves.

d.     But today, the last day, was for the Jews only.

e.     Abstained from labor, it was regarded as a Holy Day

f.      They finished reading the law that began at the beginning of the feast.

3.     The ceremony of drawing water from the pool of Siloam.

a.     The priest filled a golden vial with water from the fount of Siloam.

b.     Much solemnity in this drawing of water.

c.     Trumpets sounded through the gates of the temple.

d.     The water was mixed with wine and poured on the sacrifices on the alter.

4.     “Jesus stood” – Vs 37

a.     In the midst of thousands of people

b.     “If any man thirst”

1.     If any man feels his need of salvation

2.     John 4:13-14,  Matthew 5:6,  Revelation 22:17

3.     The invitation is free to all

B.    “Let him come unto Me”

C.   Instead of ritual and ceremony Jesus said, “Come unto Me, the Messiah.”

1.     There he shall find an abundant supply for the wants of his sole.


II.          The necessary requirement for man to drink.

A.    A man, any man, must sense and become acutely aware of his need of spiritual water.

1.     This thirst must be as real as physical thirst.

2.     The reason many do not drink is they have no desire for the Spirit.

3.     A man must come to Jesus as the source of all spiritual blessings.

a.     Only through Jesus can one drink of the Spirit that proceeds from the Father.

4.     The believer must drink.

a.     Note: None drinks with his mouth closed.

b.     This is very true in the spiritual.

c.     This involves asking – Luke 11:13,  Psalm 81:10

5.     We drink of the Supernatural Spirit flowing from the Supernatural Savior.

a.     With a supernatural utterance

b.     It is here the value of tongues comes into focus.

c.     The believer is “made to drink into one Spirit, by speaking in other tongues.  1 Corinthians 12:13


III.       The ministry of the believer.  Vs 38

A.    This shows the ministry of the believer after his thirst has been quenched by drinking to the full of the Living Water.

1.     Out of his [our] belly, the believer’s spirit shall flow rivers of Living Water.

a.     Christ and the wilderness rock flowed actual water.


A Translation: He that believes on Me, [may drink from Me] as the scripture hath said, “Out of His belly [the rock] shall flow rivers of living water.”

B.    This indicates “ His belly” is Christ’ not the believer.

1.     The believer has nothing to flow from his spirit while in a thirsty state.

2.     Only drinking from that which flows from Christ is the believer able to minister the same to others.

3.     The belly corresponds to the believer’s spirit.

4.     Out of the regenerated, refreshed human spirit flows the Holy Spirit.

C.   This is OUTFLOW

1.     Out flow is determined from INFLOW, which is the Holy Spirit’s flow into the believer's spirit.

2.     Revelation 22:1


Conclusion: How important it is to form a habit of having the Inflow.  To drink of that supernatural fountain that is still flowing from Jesus’ side. 

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