The Believer’s Authority

Ephesians 1:16-20


Introduction: Three powerful words, authority, power, and dominion.  All three of these words describe the victorious and overcoming Christian.  When the church begins to move in it’s delegated authority, power, and dominion, the gates of hell cannot and will not prevail against it.  Now we know the power of the Blood of Jesus.  Let us now begin to operate in it.


I.             What each word means.

1.     Authority = delegated power, give commands, take action

2.     Power = Ability to do or act, vigor, force, strength, authority, influence

3.     Dominion = Rule or power to rule. A field of activity or influence

a.     To be lord over, dominion over sin.


II.          The Prayers of Paul.

1.     At the end of the first and second chapters is a prayer.

A.    The first prayer = Ephesians 1:15-23

1.     Change a word, Paul said you, we say I, me, or my.

2.     Give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Vs 17

3.     In the knowledge of Him.  Vs 17

4.     Our eye of understanding the Word be opened. Vs 18

5.     That we may know His calling for our lives. Vs 18

2.     Understand His power and authority in us.  Vs 19

A.    To understand is to be able to operate in His power. 

1.     The five fold ministry.  Ephesians 4:11

2.     God desire is for Church to rise up in these last days.

3.      Let the called ministers rise up and be heard.

4.     This is for the perfecting of the saints. Vs 12

5.     The unity of the faith. Vs 13


III.       The Second Prayer of Paul.  Ephesians 3:14-21

1.     He is asking the Father to strengthen the inner man

A.    This is ‘according’ to His riches in glory.

1.     He bows his knee; an act of giving one’s all.  Vs 14

2.     This is to receive from His vast store of riches.

3.     Stores of rich grace

4.     A source that can never be exhausted.

5.     Riches denotes abundance

6.     Note: God’s grace is inexhaustible and ample for all our wants

B.    To be strengthen with might.

1.     MIGHT = simple efficiency of this attribute of God.

2.     Power = is this might or efficiency in action

3.     Energy = The quantum of force, momentum, or velocity with which the power is applied.

C.   This power was wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead.

1.     This same power was directed to us when He raised us from the death of sin.

2.     Ephesians 2:4-9

3.     This same power is given to us to become Sons of God.

4.     To have authority, power, and dominion as saints of God, as kings and priest


2.     He is asking to be strengthened with might.  Vs 16

A.    To give strength to bear the trials of life.

B.    Strength to perform our duties.

C.   To glorify His name in the inner man

1.     This is in the heart, the mind, the soul

2.     Our body needs to be strengthened each day

3.     Our soul need a constant supply of grace.

4.     Our loyalty to Christ needs be constantly invigorated.

5.     If not it will wither and decay.

6.     Every Christian needs grace each day to:

a.     Resist temptation

b.     To discharge our duties

c.     To live a life of faith


Conclusion:  God has given to each of us the ability to walk in the fullness of His authority, power, and dominion.  I t is past time for the Church to rise up and take dominion, exert our authority as believers, and begin to operate in His power.


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