Exercising Our Authority

Ephesians 1:20-21, 2:6


Introduction: Up to now we have spoken about the authority the believer has.  We have heard what it is and what it will do if we exercise this authority.  Now it is time to begin to exercise this authority.


I.               Paul’s prayer for the Church.  Vs 20

A.    Two key phrases that Paul prayed for the Church.

  1. Sat Him, Jesus,  - - - Vs 20

  2. “And hath raised US up together- - - ”  Vs 2:6

B.    In the mind of Christ we were raised when Christ was raised.

1.     When He sat down, we sat down

2.     This where we are now

3.     Christ has sat down in heaven:

a.     We are sitting on earth waiting

b.     Waiting for His commands to go

c.     We now have the authority

d.     We are to exercise this authority NOW.

e.     We are the help to carry on the work He begun.

4.     Fact: We are sitting far above – Vs 21

a.     We are over, not controlled by Satan’s powers.

5.     We wrestle not - - Ephesians 6:12

a.     We are seated with God

b.     Not subject to these powers


II.          We are to conquer the devil

A.    Satan will use every device to keep us separate from Jesus.

1.     Example: Praying and then all kinds of other  thoughts come in your mind.

2.     This is the enemy putting a barrier up against your prayers.

3.     When this happens, it is time to exercise your authority.

a.     Time to say:  “In the name of Jesus I command you foul spirit to shut up.”

b.     It is by our authority we maintain our line of communication with Jesus.

c.     This is how we enter into the presence of God.


III.       Our responsibility against Satan

A.    No place in the New Testament does the writer tell the church to pray to God about the devil.

1.     Don’t ask God to rebuke the devil.

2.     That is our responsibility

3.     That power over Satan has been given to us

4.     If we don’t do something about the devil, nothing will be done.

B.    What Jesus said - - Matthew 28:18

1.     All power and authority was given to Him.

a.     Both in heaven and in earth

b.     Immediately He delegated the authority on earth to the church.

c.     Mark 16:14-20 - - “Go preach, cast out devils, lay hands on the sick - - -.”

C.   Note: The first command is to cast out devils.

1.     Believers have the authority over the devil.

2.     They can break the power of the devil over:

a.     Their lives

b.     The lives of their loved ones

c.     Can be free from the enemy because we exercise our authority over the enemy.

3.     The responsibility is ours

a.     In Jesus’ Name - - - Vs 17-18


IV.        You - - Resist the Devil - - James 4:7

A.    You is the understood subject of the sentence.

1.     James did not pray to God so He would resist the devil for you.

2.     You are supposed to resist the devil.

3.     The authority is YOURS, exercise it!

B.    While you are yielding all thing to God:

1.     You are to yield nothing to the devil.

2.     We are to resist and oppose him in whatever way he approaches us.

a.     Resist:  Stand brave against

b.     Satan’s allurements, promises, fascinations of the world, temptations, threats

3.     Satan makes his way, securing his triumphs by:

a.     Art, cunning, deception

b.     By threatening,

4.     The true way to meet him is by direct resistance.

a.     Not by argument

b.     By steadfastly refusing to yield in the slightest degree

5.     Note: You cannot convince the devil he is wrong.

a.     He will not relent if we give in a little.

b.     No one is safe that gives in to any of his suggestions.

c.     Remember he is the tempter, no one is safe from him.

d.     Be safe, don’t yield to him

e.     Manfully resist him and he will flee.


Conclusion: In closing, here is another strong meaning of resist.  Resist with action means, “to run from as in terror”. You have the authority, so you make the enemy run as in terror.


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