Exercising Our Authority #2

1 Peter 5:6-9


Introduction: In the book of James we learned that it is up to us to resist the devil.  It is not God’s responsibility to resist the enemy for us.  That authority was given to us by Christ Jesus when He was resurrected from the dead, and then ascended to the right hand of Father God. Today we are to see the attitude and position we are to maintain in order to exercise this God given authority.


I.             The Adversary – 1 Peter 5:8-9

A.    Satan, your opponent, or the one who is against you.

1.     A classic example of attitudes:

a.     “Oh, the devil is after me”

b.     “Asking others to pray that the devil leave them”

c.     To late, the devil already has them.

2.     If one talks that way, the devil has them hooked.

a.     One can turn in prayer request, but too no avail unless they take authority.

b.     It is the individual’s responsibility to resist the devil.

3.     Note: In faith, or your faith 

a.     It is our faith, not God’s that resist the devil.


II.          A closer look at 1 Peter 5:8

A.    Here we see a double duty for the believer.

1.     Be sober in:

a.     Your enjoyments

b.     Your employments

c.     Your recreations

2.     Neither be drunk with wine

a.     Worldly cares

3.     Be watchful

a.     To be awake, to arouse

b.     As in Matthew 24:42, 1 Peter 1:13

4.     Sober – Care  - Satan will intoxicate the soul

a.     Be self restrained

b.     Don’t let this freedom lead you to a false security.

c.     Have no anxiety – 1 Peter 5: 7

d.     Be watchful against your foes

5.     Avoid drunkenness of your senses

a.     Drunkenness in your soul

b.     Overcharged with the concerns of this world


III.       Be vigilant – Vs 8

A.    Note that each word contains a special motive to Christian watchfulness.

1.     Satan is your adversary who will do you all possible mischief.

a.     He is the devil, an accuser

b.     One who seeks all advantages against you

2.     We are to exercise much care

a.     As when there is much danger around

b.     Meaning we are to be on guard against the wiles and power of the devil.


3.     Be vigilant, awake and keep awake

a.     Be always watchful

b.     Never be off your guard

c.     Note: Your enemies are alert; they are never off guard.


IV.   Your Adversary – 1 Peter 5:8

A.    This is the reason we are to be sober and vigilant.

1.     There is an active, implacable, subtle enemy to contend with.

a.     He is walking about looking about for someone to devour.

b.     He has access to you everywhere.

c.     He knows your feelings, actions, informs himself of all your circumstances.

d.     Only God knows more and can do more than he.

e.     Your care must be on God.  Vs 7

2.     Satan is your opponent

a.     As in a court of justice

b.     He is the accuser or slanderer, the enemy

c.     “A murder from the beginning”  John 8:44

3.     He counteracts the Gospel and its agents

a.     He opposes man in his best interest

b.     He resist man’s best efforts to do good

c.     Satan can cause man to resist all efforts to obey God and lose his soul.


IV.        As a Roaring Lion

A.    Remember, Jesus is pictured as the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah”.

B.    Note this:  Satan roars at the saints

1.     Meaning to howl like a wolf or a dog, or a lion

2.     Looking to whom he may devour or to devour someone

3.     The devils purpose is to ruin men


C.   Satan wants all of us and wants to ‘sift’ us all.  Luke 22:31

D.   Another thought:

1.     Implying his violent and insatiable thirst for prey as a hungry lion

2.     He walks about - - -  to devour

a.     To entangle one in world affairs

b.     To finally destroy

3.     The lion roars when he is hungry

a.     He is most fierce then

b.     He more eagerly seeks his prey

c.     Psalm 22:13,  Ezekiel 22:25

4.     Seeking whom he may gulp down

a.     It is not everyone he can swallow down

b.     Those who are sober and vigilant

c.     He MAY NOT swallow down

5.     But those who are drunken with the cares of this world:

a.     Will be swallowed down

b.     Those that are not watching, staying sober, vigilant

c.     Will be devoured by the enemy.


Conclusion: Be strong, be sober, be watchful, be vigilant, because the enemy, Satan, is there to devour, swallow up all who are not watching. 




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