Rebels of Authority

Ephesians 6:12


Introduction: Yes, there are others that hold authority.  The Word of God tells us that those evil spirits are rebel holders of authority and that they have been dethroned by the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus dethroned them and now we can reign over them.


I.             Satan’s Reign

A.    Satan became god of this world when Adam committed high treason.

1.     This happened when they disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden tree.

B.    God made the earth and the fullness thereof.

1.     He gave Adam dominion over all His works.

2.     Adam was then god of this world.

3.     But he committed high treason and sold out to Satan.

4.     Then Satan, through Adam, became god of this world.


II.          The Second Adam – 1Corinthians 15:45

A.    Satan is called ‘god of this world’.

1.     But Jesus became a “Living Spirit”  Vs 45

a.     Jesus became our substitute

b.     Jesus redeemed us from the power of Satan

c.     Satan is no longer total god of this world.

d.     The resurrection of Jesus canceled the power of Satan over us, the believer.


B.    Some think this authority is for the Millennium.

1.     That this is the time we will be able to exercise our authority.

a.     Not so.

2.     Because the Bible says that Satan will be bound for a thousand years. Revelation 20:2-3

a.     There won’t be any need to exercise authority then.

b.     There will be nothing to hurt or destroy.

3.     To often we have regulated thing to the FUTURE.

a.     Some think we can’t have much of anything now.

b.     Still think that Satan is running things

c.     He is not running us

d.     He is not dominating us

e.     Now, we can dominate him

f.      We have the authority over him


III.       Building the Truths in Us.  Matthew 28:18

A.    It is necessary to build these truths into our lives.

1.     Same principle in the human body.

2.     Right foods, vitamins, minerals, and proteins

3.     Our body needs these to be healthy and strong

B.    There are ‘spiritual vitamins’ that we need to take every day

1.     Read the Word, study and pray

2.     Just these three will keep us healthy and spiritually alive.

C.   All power, authority is given to us. Matthew 28:18

1.     But how often do we pray this way?

a.     “Now Lord, You do this or do that”

2.     But the authority on earth is conferred upon US.

3.     All the authority that can be exercised upon the earth has to be exercised through the Church because Christ is not here.

a.     His orders must be carried out by His Body, the Church.

4.     This authority on earth has been delegated to us.

a.     NOTE: A lot of the problems exist because we permit them too.

b.     The reason, we are not doing anything about the problems.


IV.        Exercising This God Given Authority.  Mark 16:15-20

A.    What our responsibility is over the power of Satan.

1.     Right praying:

a.     We are always telling God what to do.

b.     God has commissioned us to do those things

B.    Question? How many have prayed for God to save a loved one?

1.     Our prayer is mostly, “God save - - - - - today”

2.     God wants us to take authority in His name.

a.     Must get ourselves in the right position

b.     Know and believe we have the authority

c.     Begin to exercise our authority over the enemy

3.     Begin: In the Name of Jesus, I break the power of the devil over my ------‘s life, and I claim their salvation.

a.     Note: You have given the order

b.     When a king gives an order, he knows it will be carried out.

c.     The devil will try to discourage you and say it will not come to pass.

d.     Remember, it doesn’t always happen overnight.

e.     Just laugh at the devil and say it is done in Jesus Name.

f.      We are rejoicing in their salvation now, speaking those things which are not as though they were.

g.     If we doubt and grow weary it causes the enemy to take dominion.


Conclusion: A truth to remember; man cannot serve two masters.  We must choose which we are receiving our authority from.   

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