To-Us-Ward Who Believe

Ephesians 2:1-7


Introduction: Jesus has ascended to heaven and is on the right hand of God in heaven.  Before He ascended He gave to His body, the Church all power and authority.  The authority has to be perpetuated through the Body, which is here on earth.

Read: Ephesians 1:22, 20, 2:5-6 - Not something He is going to do, but has already done it.


I.     To-Us-Ward -  Ephesians 1:19

A.    In raising Jesus from the dead was God’s mightiest work.

1.     The resurrection was opposed by tremendous powers of the air.

a.     All principalities, powers, might, and dominion

b.     All these were devoted to destroying and defeating God’s plan.

2.     But Christ arose, ascended, and is seated at the right hand of God.

a.     Satan’s powers have been baffled and overthrown by Jesus.

b.     He has been enthroned far above them.

c.     Jesus is ruling with authority of the Most High.

3.     The source of authority is found in this resurrection and seating of Christ by God.

a.     God speaks of “His greatness and power”

b.     This is directed to “us ward who believe”

c.     This is to cause the eyes of the Church to be opened

d.     Not just at Ephesus, but to all churches.


II.    God wanted us to know.  Ephesians 1:21

A.    He set Jesus far above all power. Vs 21

1.     This fact is overlooked by many churches today

2.     God revealed this to the church at Ephesus by Paul.

3.     God desires us to have this revelation and knowledge.

B.    The Cross of Christ, with its revelation of obedience to God.

1.     Atonement for sin

2.     The crushing defeat of foes

3.     Shows us a representative man

4.     Jesus was our representative man.

5.     He was a representative overcoming for mankind

6.     He was preparing a throne and heavenly ministry for those who overcome through Him.


III.   Identification of Christ’s people with Himself – Ephesians 2:1

A.    “He hath quickened”  [added]

1.     Original – “and you being dead in offences and sins, in which once ye walked according to the age of this world”

2.     Back to Vs 19-20

a.     What is being said, “According to the working of strength of His might when He raised Him from the dead and you when you were dead.”

b.     When God raised Jesus from the dead He:

1.     Also raised His Body, the Church, us, from the dead.

2.     We were raised from our dead state of sin.


IV.   Sitting together with Him – Ephesians 2:5-6

A.    The Head and Body are raised together.

1.     Christ is the head and the Church is the Body.

a.     We are seated with Him

2.     This authority was given to both the Head and the Body.

a.     The Head and the Body are one

3.     The church must realize we are Christ.

a.     Then the church can rise up and do the works of Christ.

b.     The authority that belongs to Christ also belongs to us.

c.     All this authority and power belongs to us.


V.     We are Christ – 1Corinthians 12:12-14, 27

A.    One body, many members, yet one

1.     Paul is calling the Body, which is the church, Christ.

2.     Thank God, we are the Body of Christ.


Conclusion: Let us now begin to walk in the authority He has given to each of us that believe.  We are the direct representatives of God and Christ Jesus.

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