To-Us-Ward #2

2 Corinthians 6:14-17


Introduction: We are one body in Christ.  As believers we are the representatives for Christ Jesus here on earth.  Thank God we are the Body of Christ.


I.             Being Yoked

A.    The believer is called righteousness and the unbeliever is called the unrighteousness.

1.     The believer is called light

2.     The unbeliever is called darkness

3.     The believer is called Christ

4.     The unbeliever is called Belial

B.    We are one with Christ – Vs 17-18

1.     We are seated on the right hand of Majesty on High.

2.     We are seated with Him in Heavenly Places.

3.     All things have been put under our feet.


II.          The Cross

A.    Sometimes we have too much “Cross Religion” preached.

1.     Some teach that that is where we are supposed to stay.

2.     NOTE THIS:

a.     The Cross was a place of defeat

b.     The resurrection was a place of triumph

3.     We must first go to the Cross

a.     We are to nail our sins there, a place for us to die.

b.     A place for us to be “Blood Washed”

4.     We are to go on to Pentecost

5.     Then on to the Ascension

B.    When we get pass those, we begin to operate in the authority and dominion of the believer.

C.   We are not at the cross

1.     We died with Him

2.     He has raised us up together

3.     We have been made to sit together

4.     Tragic – most hardly know anything about it.


III.       The Power Center – Ephesians 2:5-6

A.    The right hand of God is the center of power for the whole universe.

1.     It is the exercising of power of the Throne that was committed unto the ascending Lord.

a.     This authority belongs to us today.

2.     Full possession is given to Christ’ resurrected Body.

a.     All rights were awaiting Him

b.     His enemies shall be made His footstool.  Hebrews 1:13

B.    We believers are to share His authority.

1.     We are made to sit with Him and share His throne

a.     This means we are to partake of the authority which the throne represents.

2.     Our authority is measured by our comprehension of this power.

a.     How much of His power do we comprehend?

b.     How far above our enemies are we? 

c.     Some exercise a little with little comprehension.

d.     Some exercise great faith over the power of the enemy.


C.   But God:

1.     Desires that ALL have that spiritual comprehension.

a.     The Spirit prayed through Paul.  Ephesians 1:17

b.     Power and authority over the powers of the air.

c.     To have authority over the power that still creates problems.

d.     Authority over the power that manipulates the mind


IV.        For us to remember – John 14:12

A.    Jesus did not say only a few select would do the works.

1.     He spoke of those that believed.  Mark 16:15-20

2.     We have that authority because we believe.

3.     We have the authority because we are seated with Him.


Conclusion: Authority, power, and dominion have been given to His Body, the Church.  Our executed authority depends upon how much we comprehend of all Christ has endowed to the Church.

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