Crossing Over

Joshua 1:1-3


Introduction: The Children of Israel wandered forty years in the wilderness before coming to the Jordan River.  It was time to possess the land.  We are going to examine some obstacles that are keeping us from crossing over and possessing the land


I. Where are we? Vs 3

A.    We have been stomping around long enough.

1.     Time now for some action

2.     Last week – put on the whole armor

3.     We have been caring a lot of weight – Hebrews 12:1

B.    Look now at what God instructed the people to do.

1.     What God had given to them – Vs 4

2.     No one was to stand in their way – Vs 5

3.     Be strong, have courage, be courageous – Vs 6-7

4.     God’s Word was not to depart from them – Vs 8

5.     We must keep the Word at all times.


II. Time now to cast off – Hebrews 12:1

A.    There are sins that hinder God’s plans.

1.     How many in here today are committing sins of:

a.     Murder, robbery, adultery, lying, drunkenness,

b.     No, we have control over these sins.

2.     Now how about those we can have control over, BUT.

a.     Bad habits, gossip, slander, strife, judgment, critical, to name a few.

b.     Check paper for definitions*

c.     Most of these sins are “sins of the tongue”.

3.     The point being made is this, “sins hinder the move of God”.

4.     Remember what Joshua told the people.  Vs 9

a.     God is with you

b.     Then comes a stern warning – Vs 18


III. Time for an examination of SELF.

A.    What did Peter say we were?  1 Peter 2:9

1.     A chosen generation

2.     A royal priesthood

3.     A holy nation

4.     A precious people – separated

5.     A called out people

6.     Into His marvelous light

B.    Time to begin to function in this role.

1.     First order is to quit sinning.  Vs 1

2.     Lay aside these sins so the Holy Spirit can move.

3.     These ‘little sins’ hinder the move of God.

4.     What happens when we pray?

C.   What about strife?

1.     In church, at home, at work

2.     Wrong attitudes

3.     Judgmental of others

4.     Judging on ‘our standards’

D.   Being critical of others

1.     They don’t belong to -----

2.     Even of what one wares, perfume, ect.

E.    Being a hypocrite

1.     Bible toting on Sunday, but come Monday.

2.     What do people see?

3.     What do we live six days a week?


IV. A Stone – 1 Peter 2:4

A.    When Jesus becomes Lord of our lives.

1.     We are “Chosen of God and precious”.

2.     We become “lively stones” – Vs 5

a.     Spiritual – a solid foundation

b.     A priest to offer up spiritual sacrifices to God

c.     PRAISE, cleans us out.  [A pipe cleaning]

B.    Now is the time for us to cross our Jordan.

1.     Joshua 3:15-16

C.   Time for us to really begin to see God’s mighty hand working through us.

1.     Making Mark 16 come alive here

2.     Blind eyes opened, cripples made whole - - - - -

3.     The mighty out-pouring is upon us

a.     It is ‘laying aside time now’

b.     Put on our full armor

c.     Begin to work the works He sent us to do


Conclusion: Where do we go from here?  Do we really want a mighty move of God in our Church?  It will not come by more programs, meetings or activities.  The ways it will manifest is through prayer and our laying aside all our sins and begin to work the works He has called us too.


·       Gossip – 1. A person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts.

·       Slander – 1. A false report malicious uttered and tending to injure the reputation of a person.

·       Strife – 1. Discord, contention, dissension, conflict, fight, struggle

·       Critical – 1. One who looks for and points out faults and defeats

·       Judgmental – 1. Not marked by or according with good sense or sound judgment. 2. Ill-advised, impolite, unsound, unintelligent  

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