Designed for Dominion

Designed for Dominion

Psalm 8:4-5


Introduction: We have studied on the Authority of the Believer, The Blood of Jesus, Cleansing from Sin from our lives.  Now is the time for us to begin to look like, talk like and walk like we have dominion.



I.             Two Words – Powerful – Supreme

A.    These two words are to describe a Christian

1.     Powerful – a very energetic word

2.     Supreme – a very elevating word

B.    God’s people are powerful and have a supreme relationship to this world.

1.     Psalmist David revealed man’s lofty position and purpose as designed by God. Psalm 8:4-5

a.     God visited man

b.     Made him a little lower than angels

c.     Crowned him with glory and power

2.     Note translation: Angels not the correct Hebrew word

a.     Should be God – Elohim – Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.”

3.     God created man a little lower than Himself.

a.     He created us in His image.[Nothing else is]

b.     Genesis 1:26-28

4.     Therefore David declared us created a “little lower then God”.

a.     This will be the final state of the redeemed.

5.     God crowned man with glory and honor.

a.     Made him to have dominion over His creation.

b.     All God’s works He put under man’s feet.

c.     Psalm 8:6-8

1.     All creatures of the air, land and sea are under man’s supervision.

2.     Just as fish to swim, dogs to bark, worms to crawl

3.     Man was created to rule, have dominion

6.     The Fall did not blot out man’s original design for dominion.

a.     Man is still craving to fulfill their created purpose.


II.          Three Hindrances to Dominion

A.    Adam sinned against the Creator.

1.     This is where he delivered his dominion into the hands of God’s enemy.

2.     But through God’s great redemption plan, Jesus Christ has restored that dominion to those who will receive it.

B.    The three elements.

1.     Ignorance – lack of knowledge

a.     What a person does not know he has.

b.     If one doesn’t know, he cannot possess.

2.     Unbelief – A withholding or lack of belief

a.     The element that can keep a person from entering one’s divinely appointed position of dominion.

b.     The Children of Israel missed God’s promised land.

1.     Hebrews 3:19

c.     The writer of Hebrews admonished us to be careful lest we come short of entering God’s provisions. Hebrews 4:1

d.     Dominion is part of that provision

e.     When one cannot trust the promises of God, it is impossible to possess true dominion.

1.     One must stand spiritually and emotionally to possess true dominion.

2.     Just as dogs to hunt, fish to swim, worms to crawl

3.     Man was created to rule, to have dominion

3.     Sin – the greatest element to destroy man’s position of dominion.

a.     When a person sins, he lowers himself from the limits and privileges which God ordained.

b.     It is essential for a person to be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus.

c.     This causes one to remain clean and exercise dominion.


III.       The Spirit of Might – John 14:12

A.    When Jesus returned to heaven, He gave us the ability to do the works He did.

B.    It is impossible to do the works of Jesus without “The Spirit of Might”.  Isaiah 11:12

1.     God desires every believer to have the “Spirit of Might”.

2.     Our presence is to be like Jesus’ appearance.

3.     When Jesus came, demons trembled and begged to be left alone.

C.   Paul’s prayer for the believers at Colossi – Colossians 1:10-11

1.     We are to receive and let this power, that volume of faith flow through us.

a.     That the Spirit of Might permeates through us.

2.     Remember, there is no Goliath capable of standing before God’s        David.

a.     Satan cannot create an image of strength that God’s people cannot destroy.  Matthew 16:18


IV.        Who we are in Christ Jesus.  1 John 3:2

A.    Every man a king and every woman a queen.

1.     Some questions to ask yourself.

  Q. Do I have dominion?

  A. Yes Lord.  He says, “Then look like it”

       1. Then don’t look sad, depressed or defeated.

  Q. Do you have Dominion?

  A.  Yes Lord.  He says, “Then talk like it”

1.     Our speech reveals dominion or defeat.

Q. Do you have dominion?

A. Yes Lord, He says “Then walk like it”

1.     Our shoulders square, our heads up high, our step must be a step of victory..


Conclusion: Dominion is ours. Lost in Eden, gained back a Calvary.  Our responsibility now is to enter in and begin to operate in our place of dominion.   

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