Christ and Dominion

Colossians 2:8=15 [9]


Introduction: Adam lost all that God had given to him.  Satan gained dominion over all that Adam had.  Adam had fallen from the position God had placed him in.  He lost the garden and his position of authority to dress and keep it.  Because of this, God then set in motion the plan of redemption. Jesus Christ was to be the one to redeem man from his lost position of dominion.


I.             The Miraculous Birth


A.    Our Lord Jesus had dominion in every stage of His life.

1.     His virgin birth, first spoken in the garden

2.     Seven hundred fifty years before His birth, Isaiah prophesied:

a.     Isaiah 7:14

B.    His supernatural birth transgressed the laws of nature

1.     Luke 1:35 – The power of agreement

2.     The one who had lived through all eternity

3.     The one who was with God

4.     The one who was God

5.     The one by whom all things were made

6.     Became flesh and dwelt among men

7.     John 1:1-4, 14

C.   The power of the Holy Ghost entered the body prepared for Him.

1.     This body was to produce the one to defeat Satan

2.     Hebrews 10:5-7

3.     His supernatural entry into the world set the stage for a life of total domination.


II.          His Youth and Dominion


A.    At twelve years old the Lord showed a force of power.

1.     He asked questions and gave answers

2.     His force of power astonished the lawyers of Jerusalem.

a.     Luke 2:46-47

B.    The strength of His eyes and word brought astonishment to the intellectuals of Jerusalem.


III.       The Temptation and Dominion


A.    Immediately after Jesus was baptized of John in the Jordan:

1.     The Spirit of God descended upon Him like a dove

2.     The Father spoke from heaven; “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well please.”

B.    Jesus went into the desert to:

1.     Exercise dominion over temptations of the devil

C.   In the desert He met and overcame:

1.     Temptations of the sprit

2.     Temptations of the soul

3.     Temptations of the body

4.     All this while He was in a body of flesh

5.     He defeated them all with the written Word of God

a.     Matthew 4:4


IV.        His First Miracle – John 2:11


1.     This was the beginning of His public ministry.

a.     Turning spring water into sparkling delicious wine

2.     Those around recognized His authority and dominion

a.     Dominion over the natural process of fermentation

b.     They beheld nature obey Him


V.           Jesus Teaching with Authority.  Matthew 7:28-29


  A. His teaching was so different people recognized the difference immediately.


VI.        Cleansing the Temple – Matthew 21:12-15


A.    Jesus show of dominion over thieves and tradition

1.     The Spirit of Might was upon Him.  Isaiah 11:2

2.     Everyone just stood aside and watched. Vs 12

B.    Tradition is a terrible power over the church.

1.     It is a killing influence

2.     Tradition is a rut, a grave, it can bury you

3.     It has always been done this way - - - - - .

4.     With this attitude, God, the Holy Spirit has no room to work.

a.     God wants to move and bless His people

C.   Note this:  When Jesus had loosed the temple of tradition:

1.     The lame, the blind, the sick came to be healed. Vs 14-15


VII.     Jesus Dominion Over Nature – Matthew 14:25-26


A.    Jesus walked on the Sea of Galilee demonstrating His authority over nature.

1.     His disciples were troubled and amazed at such dominion.

B.    He calmed the sea with a spoken word.  Mark 4:37-41

C.   When Adam fell he lost dominion over perfect weather.

1.     Since that hour storms and winds and such have driven man into holes in the ground.

D.   Here Jesus rebuked the storm.

1.     He spoke to the sea

2.     The wind and waves obeyed His voice

3.     He then rebuked His disciples for being fearful and faithless.


VIII.  Jesus Will Calm Your Storm


A.    That storm that is raging inside, Jesus will calm.

1.     Call to Him in faith believing the storm will cease

2.     Submit your fear, doubt and all to Him

3.     Call on Jesus to save, deliver and set you free now.

4.     He will not refuse your call.


Conclusion: Here have been just a few of the acts of dominion Jesus performed.  It is time for His Church to rise up and begin to demonstrate this authority and dominion He has given to us.





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