What Is Human Dominion?

1 Peter 2:1-2


Introduction: We have talked about dominion and authority, now we must really define what the real scope of dominion is.  We must know the laws and the source and its limitations.


I.             The Scope of Dominion


A.    We must learn its laws; know its source and its limitations.

1.     Dominion means: Lordship, inherited ruler-ship, sovereignty

B.    Referring to human dominion

1.     Bring to mind a struggle

2.     Human domination is not automatic

3.     Dominion is an achievement

4.     Man is constantly reaching for dominion

5.     Man knows when that source of power is present.


II.          Dominate or be Dominated


A.    Every human will know either dominion or slavery.

1.     Man’s enemy, the devil, seeks to enslave

2.     But Jesus has redeemed man from Satan.  John 8:36

3.       Through one man dominion was lost

4.     Praise God! But one man, Jesus, regained dominion for us.

a.     Romans 5:17,  [Amp.]  “Shall reign as kings in life”

b.     In Jesus we have the right to reign as kings.


III.       Human Dominion in Three Realms


A.    Dominion awaits man in three great areas.

1.     They are the areas of man’s makeup

a.     Spirit, soul, and body – 1Thesilonians 5:23

B.    Man is a trinity

1.     God made man a spirit

2.     God is a Spirit – John 4:24

3.     Man is made in the image of God

4.     Man possesses a soul and a body

C.   God made man’s spirit to be king of his triune personality.

1.     The soul and body are under obedience to the spirit

D.   To define these three areas:

1.     The body – fashioned from the clay of the earth. Genesis 2:7

2.     Made very close to our environment

3.     Our outer shell is like the area we live in.

E.    Our five senses

1.     Seeing, tasting, smelling, touching, and hearing

2.     Note: We were created to be ‘slaves’ to the immortal part of man.

a.     If evil, carnal clay will manifest evil.

b.     If spiritually alive, the body demonstrates the fruit of the spirit.  Galatians 5:22-23


IV.        Inside this shell God placed a soul


A.    The sole is made up of three tremendous areas of being.

1.     Intellectual [mind] where man thinks

2.     Emotions – where man feels

3.     Will – where man decides

B.    NOTE: God created the soul and body to be subservient to the spirit of man.

1.     This spirit is as distinct from the other two areas of man as light is from darkness.

a.     God gave man’s spirit the ability to have communion with Deity.

b.     In this area man is able to communicate with the divine world.

c.     This is our intuition and the power of conscience

2.     Man’s spirit contacts God

a.     God only speaks to man through man’s spirit.

b.     Man’s soul contacts his fellowman

c.     Man’s body contacts the earth, the physical realm.


V.           Look at the First Man Adam.


A.    With his body he walked, ate, saw, heard and felt.

1.     With his soul he possessed the power to:

a.     Name all the animals on the earth

b.     He had the intellect to operate as overseer of the Garden of Eden.

c.     He had emotions to enjoy the sunrise and the sunset.

d.     He had affection toward his wife.

2.     He had will power to choose what he would do when he walked in the Garden as its king.

a.     With his spirit man walked with God and conversed with God.

b.     With his spirit he understood his limitations.

1.     Such as the forbidden tree – Genesis 2:16-17

B.    God made man to be king of this trinity.

1.     God made man’s soul to be the servant to serve and obey the spirit.

2.     NOTE: The body was made to be a slave to carry out the wishes of the spirit directed by the soul.

3.     As long as Adam lived in the spirit:

a.     His being [body and soul] was dominated by his spirit

b.     Then he had perfect fellowship with God

c.     With his environment [no weeds, insects]

d.     Even with himself [total peace]

4.     He was a whole person

a.     He was well adjusted

b.     He was supremely happy

C.   When Adam rebelled and disobeyed God:

1.     His spirit died to God. [Sin entered]

2.     Now his soul and body control his actions and thoughts.

3.     Each was out of relationship with God.

a.     Therefore Satan was now in control of his being.


Conclusion: Now we see the importance of the human spirit being controlled by the Holy Spirit.  We are spirit, soul and body; each one subject to the other, only to be controlled by Satan or by God. Do we walk in victory or defeat, dominion or slavery?

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