Spirit Dominion

1 Peter 2:1-5 [2]


Introduction: When a sinner comes to Jesus and is born again, the person becomes a new man in Christ Jesus.  The spirit of man that was dead to God becomes alive and is re-instated as king.  What Adam lost, Jesus regained for us.


I.             Know Dominion

A.    The spirit man must know dominion in order to achieve greatness in faith.

1.     Know dominion to achieve greatness in achievements.

B.    Without dominion there is no hope of ruler-ship for the spirit man.

1.     Without there is no power over Satan.

2.     One just opens the door and lets the evil in.

a.     What is evil – sickness, poverty, stress, depression and so on.


C.   We born again believers should:

1.     Seek to have achieve strength and power in one’s spirit

2.     Comes by feeding his spirit with God’s Word.  1Peter 2:2

3.     By prayer and communication with God.

4.     By praying in tongues. 1Corinthians 14:4

5.     Exercising his faith

6.     Walking in faith


II.          Soul Power

A.    Three separate worlds of action in the soul of man.

1.     This is where the devil seeks to enthrone himself.

B.    One – The mind

1.     God wants the human mind under divine subjection.

2.     It should be directed through the human spirit by the Holy Spirit

a.     The devil wants to capture the human mind.

3.     Because the mind of man is so important, it is a perpetual battlefield.

a.     The mind suffers greater onslaught from the powers of darkness than any other part.

4.     How we are to keep our mind on God

a.     Renew our minds – Romans 12:2

b.     Keep our thought life – 11 Corinthians 10:3-5

c.     Keep the mind of Christ -  1 Corinthians 2:16

C.   Two – Our emotions

1.     The deepest depression, to the highest exaltations through the gamut of emotion.

a.     Man must dominate his emotions

b.     If not his life can be one of defeat

2.     Emotions dominated by any other source than God, will cause stress and will kill.

3.     Controlling our emotions

a.     Dominion has to do with relaxing

b.     Relaxing has to do with releasing

c.     Releasing has to do with giving over to God for His care.

d.     When our emotions are in the Almighty care of the Lord:

1.     Stress and struggle have no place in us

D.   Three - Our Will

1.     Dominion is not possible with a stubborn will.

a.     The Bible speaks of those who are self willed.

b.     This means that their natural human nature is in rule-ship.

c.     This means God’s Spirit of dominion is defeated and subjected to the smaller nature of man.

d.     Romans 12:1 – The will of God


III.          Dominion in the Natural World- The Body

A.    Man’s Body is his natural relationship to this earth –

1.     God wants our corporate person to have dominion as well as our spirit

2.     God wants no part of us dominated by the devil.

3.     The greatest area the devil works in is the area of earthly possessions and finances.

B.    God wants His sons to prosper.

1.     When man prospers, there is abundance for the work of the Kingdom.

2.     Total dominion does his job well

a.     Handles his finances well

b.     His motives are right

c.     If his motives are selfish, he is outside the realm of dominion.

d.     He is being dominated

3.     NOTE: A person living in the humblest of circumstances can enjoy dominion in this realm.


IV.        Dominion, Gift of God

A.    God created Adam, not like the mountains, to be big and hard.

1.     Not like flowers, fragile and easily broken.

2.     But God created man to be strong and to rule this earth.

B.    Since the Garden of Eden, the devil has contested man’s dominion in every generation.

1.     Adam lost his; Noah refused to lose his and became a giant in his time.

2.     Abraham knew his dominion in all three realms.

a.     Of the spirit, he talked with God

b.     Of the soul, he obeyed and walked with God.

c.     The body, which through his linage brought the savior of the world.

C.   Jesus Said: Matthew 12:28-29

1.     Jesus often told his followers that dominion over the devil was His.

a.     The strong man in the scripture is the devil.

b.     Christ has dominion over him.

2.     Glory! Jesus gave that dominion to us.

a.     Our dominion comes directly from the Lord Jesus.

b.     It came as a gift from Him.

c.     When we connect [energy] with Christ, He is our strength.

3.     Example: Telephone, we can talk all around the world when connected.

a.     We must be connected to be able to talk.

b.     Disconnected, ‘we’ are useless to the kingdom.

4.     A light bulb, no good until connected.

a.     Jesus is the source of our energy

b.     We have no light until we get connected.

c.     Jesus is the energizer.


Conclusion: A very simple statement to close.  Human domination is God’s power moving in the total being of the born again person.  Dominion is nothing more than the believer speaking, walking in faith, and a positive confession.p 


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