You Can Have Dominion

Luke 10:17-20


Introduction: We have looked at several aspects of Dominion.  Now the question is. Who can have dominion?  Is the victorious life of a Christian Dominion only for a chosen few?  Or is it for every disciple that receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?


I.             New Testament Promises

A.    These promises are for all true disciples of Jesus Christ.

1.     Luke 10:19

2.     Matthew 18:18

B.    Paul the Apostle repeatedly announced the privileges and blessings, which belong to each Child of God.

1.     Ephesians 1:3

C.    Dominion is for every believer who will accept the responsibility for exerting it.

1.     This not dealing with human conceit and bigotry.

2.     Dominion is a divine birth right recorded in God’s Word.

3.     A person who truly possesses true dominion is always a humble servant of the Lord.


II.          Robbed of Rule

A.    After salvation the devil seeks to hide the believers position of authority

1.     When a believer knows his position of authority, Satan is defeated.

a.     His works are destroyed.

B.    One area Satan attacks the believer in is one’s confession.

1.     Satan knows a person will never rise above his confession.

2.     All to often instead of confessing God’s Word:

a.     The believer constantly confesses one’s sickness, faults, and weaknesses.

b.     The devil uses this method to keep the believer in bondage.

C.   Fact: Remember, Satan does not want you to confess dominion in Christ, victorious by the Blood of Jesus and the abundance of God’s gift. For when you make these confessions, you exert dominion, authority, and power.


III.       We Have Perpetual Power

A.    The early church had POWER.

1.     The known world was shaken by that power Christ had promised.

a.     Acts 1:8

2.     Peter preaching on the Day of Pentecost

a.     Acts 2:39

b.     This message was saying, “Dominion is for all”.

c.     “Those that are afar off”, that is us.

B.    The New Testament emphasizes that this divine dominion was not exclusively for the Apostles.

1.     Stephen -  Acts 6:8,  7:55-60

2.     He was a deacon in the Church of Jerusalem

3.     He processed great dominion

4.     Great miracles and wonders took place in his ministry

C.   Phillip – Acts 8:5-8

1.     He was a deacon in the church of Jerusalem

2.     People were healed and delivered in his ministry


Conclusion:  You can have dominion!  Begin to confess that you have the authority over the enemy.  Dominion is not for just the chosen few; it is for the believer to exercise.


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