Five Steps to Dominion

Ephesians 1:17-23


Introduction: The final five steps to dominion.  We learned the first two steps were to know the source, the Word of God, and second the effective use of our weapons.  Using the Word, Prayer, and Faith, we can walk in power, authority, and dominion.


I.             The Five Steps For Today.

1.     Recognize your relationship to the body of believers, and the body’s divine relationship with Christ.

2.     Identify your enemy

3.     Know the weakness of your enemy

4.     Stay ready for battle at all times

5.     Rejoice in victory


II.          Recognize your relationship to the body of believers, and the body’s divine relationship with Christ.

A.    The most powerful living organism on earth today is the Church, the very Body of Christ.

1.     Jesus Christ is the head of the Body.

2.     Every born again believer is a part of this powerful Body.

a.     Colossians 1:18-20

b.     1Corinthians 12:27

3.     Jesus Himself described this Body’s irresistible strength.

a.     Matthew 16:18

B.    The Church has waked up.

1.     The Prophet Isaiah foretold – Isaiah 60:1

2.     Time now for all to AWAKE, rise to our potential.

3.     Realize the ‘gates of hell’ cannot prevail against us.

4.     When we move together, nothing can stand before us.

5.     We have the ability to change anything on this earth.

6.     Jesus said, “The gates of hell will not prevail against the Living Body of Christ.”

C.   It will strengthen you personally to recognize your relationship with the Church.

1.     All need to be closely related to the Church.

2.     One cannot be strong and annul the Church.

3.     Our relationship with one another is very important.

4.     Some say, “It doesn’t matter whether I go to church or not.”

a.     Stupid – That is a lie from the devil!

b.     We draw strength from each other.

c.     You minister to me just sitting out there.

5.     What Paul said to his disciples

a.     Ephesians 2:5-7

b.     To us - - Hebrews 10:24-25

c.     “As we see the day approaching”

D.   Recognize your relationship with the “Living Body of Christ”.


III.       Identify Your Enemy

A.    If you don’t know your enemy, how can you win?

1.     You won’t know how or where to deliver a blow.

B.    Many have a wrong concept of who your enemy is.

1.     It is not your wife, husband, or children, or the church, if you think this is your enemy.

a.     Striking the wrong one just makes the matters worse.

C.   We must first identify our enemy.

1.     Satan is the enemy of God, His creation, and mankind.

2.     Satan strikes at the human personality, the mind, will, and emotions.

a.     Time we must recognize the source of trouble.

D.   Instead of getting grouchy and grumpy – get into a state of prayer.

1.     Begin to speak to the source, the devil, demand he leave.  “Satan I demand you leave my home, my work, my church, right now in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, GET OUT!”

2.     Now you have identified your enemy.

a.     You have stopped his tactics.

b.     Peace will come to your home, work and church.


IV.        Know the Weakness of Your Enemy

A.    The devil is completely defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ.

1.     He can’t do anything against Jesus.

2.     No devil or demon can’t combat or fight the Holy Spirit.

3.     Any true believer can resist the devil today.

a.     He still has to flee when Christians resist him.

b.     James 4:7

B.    We do not fight the devil.

1.     We have to remind him of Calvary where Jesus defeated him.

2.     Remind him of his complete defeat

3.     Remind him of his ultimate destiny, hell.

4.     Tell him, “Don’t you know your eternal destiny?  You are a defeated foe.”

C.   Satan is limited

1.     Limited by his fallen state

2.     He is limited by Christ’ resurrection.

3.     This stripped him of his keys of death and hell.

a.     Revelation 1:17-18

D.   Satan has a bruised head

1.     This wound cannot be healed.

2.     God said this in the garden.  Genesis 3:15

3.     This Child of a virgin would bruise Satan’s head.

a.     He, Jesus, would break Satan’s lordship.

b.     Satan and all his cohorts remember Jesus fulfilling this prophecy. 1Corinthians 2:6-8

4.     All evil are brought to naught, nothing.

a.     They fall with fear and trembling before a Spirit filled, anointed Christian.

5.     Warning!  Do not talk about how big and strong the devil is:

a.     You will begin to believe it

b.     Remind him he has lost the battle

c.     Remind him he is under your foot

d.     Remind him you are walking on him. Ephesians 1:19-23


V.           Stay Ready For Battle At All Times

A.    Satan’s objective is to keep us ‘off base’.

1.     Not walking in spiritual power, authority, and dominion.

2.     Failing because of his subtle tactics.

B.    Here are a few of tactics.

1.     Vexation – anger, distress, annoyance

2.     Depression

3.     Confusion

4.     Selfishness


VI.        Rejoice in Victory!

A.    Matthew 18:18-20

1.     The devil is subject to the believers faith

2.     The devil is subject to the believer’s authority.

3.     The devil is subject to the believer’s rights.

4.     The devil is subject to the believer’s words.


6.     If the devil resist, the believer cries out to him to GO, and he must GO!

B.    The believers must lift their voices and praise God.

1.     We must rejoice in victory at ALL TIMES.

2.     We are winners, not losers.

3.     Jesus is coming soon, be ready!


Conclusion: Remember, God wants us to rejoice in victory.  When we are in right standing in the Church, staying ready for battle, then we walk in power, authority, and dominion.  We then have VICTORY IN JESUS.



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