Seven Steps to Dominion

Ephesians 1:17-23


Introduction: Sunday we studied at seven instruments of dominion.  Wednesday night we studied seven pitfalls to avoid.  Today we will be studying two of the seven steps to dominion.  God’s word is the only source for you to learn how you personally can have dominion.


I.             Some Introductory Thoughts

A.    The scripture reveals the area of conflict.

1.     Ephesians 6:12

2.     Two other translations

B.    Paul made it very clear our conflict is not with flesh and blood.

1.     Not with humans

2.     Not organizations or denominations

3.     Our battle is spiritual


II.          The Seven Steps

1.     Recognize your source of dominion

2.     Learn the effective use of the weapons of dominion

3.     Recognize your relationship to the Body of Believers, and the Body’s divine relationship with Christ.

4.     Identify your enemy.

5.     Know the weakness of your enemy.

6.     Stay ready for battle at all times. [Nehemiah]

7.     Rejoice in victory


III.       Step Number One

         A. Recognize Your Source of Dominion.

1.     Ephesians 1:17-23

2.     For us – “The spirit of wisdom and revelation”.

3.     One of the main truths to understand.  Vs 19

4.     We must understand the “Greatness of His Power” Vs20

a.     God’s power flowing through us.

B.    The Holy Spirit describes the mighty strength directed toward us.

1.     Ephesians 1:19-23

2.     Recognize your SOURCE OF POWER

3.     It comes from headquarters – HEAVEN.

4.     We have a daily source of strength and power the world knows nothing about.

a.     The world cannot tap this power

b.     The only way to tap this power is to get INTO JESUS.

c.     The only way to get into Jesus is to get born again, believe on Him as Savior.

d.     Roman 10:9-10

e.     Your source is GOD


IV.        Step Number Two.

A.    Learn the effective use of the weapons of dominion.

1.     Just as the conflict is spiritual, so are the weapons.

a.     2Corinthians 10:3-4

B.    We are to learn to use these God given instruments of our warfare.

1.     It is the Word of God. [Weapon # 1]  Ephesians 6:17

2.     We of dominion must effectively use the Sword God has given to us

a.     Revelation 1:16 –Jesus – The Word.

b.     With God’s Word in our mouth we dominate Satan.

3.     The Bible is the source of Spiritual food to eat and be strong.

a.     1Peter 2:2  - “The milk of the Word”

b.     Feed our spirit and grow strong.

c.     Being spiritually strong, we are ruled by the inner man.

d.     The inner man will rule over the mind, will, and emotions.

C.   Prayer, [weapon #2] if you don’t know prayer, you don’t know the power of God.

1.     NOTE: Prayer is the most talked about, discussed, and the least used power available to mankind.

a.     Oil, undiscovered, is an untapped resource of power.

b.     Coal, not mined, is an untapped source of power.

c.     But the greatest source of untapped power and resource is prayer.

2.     Through personal communication with the Creator, people can do things they could never do before.

a.     A physician once wrote:  “I have seen men, after all other therapy had failed, lifted out of disease and melancholy by the serene effort of prayer.  It is the only power in the world that seems to overcome the so-called ‘laws of nature - - -‘.”

3.     It is in prayer that decisions are made.

a.     It is in prayer that God directs us.

b.     It is in prayer that God does great things in our lives.


D.   Faith [Weapon # 3] has been called “The eye that sees inside, the ear that hears the inaudible, the hand that feels the intangible, and the power that works the impossible.

1.     Jesus said – Mark 9:23 – All things

2.     Faith is a weapon – Mark 11:23 – any mountain

a.     Faith is the voice of authority

b.     We speak words of faith to bring forth things that would not be brought forth otherwise.

3.     Faith is an ACT

a.     Martin Luther said: “It is a busy, active, living, reality that does not ask, “What shall I do?” but before it has time to ask, it is up and doing.”

b.     David believed Goliath would be defeated so:

1.     He took his sling, put in a rock, and slung it.

2.     He aimed at the head, and, you know the story.

3.     Faith acts.

                                  4. Faith is a way of life, a walk with God.

a.     Great men and women who walked with God.

b.     Smith Wigglesworth

c.     John G.Lake

d.     Catherine Khulman

4.     Our walk must be close to God so when we speak He hears.

5.     When He hears He speaks to us.

6.     NOTE: “The person of dominion will walk with God.  He will not seek faith, he will LIVE faith, living faith, and the life of God will flow from his innermost being.

7.     The Word alone is the source of life.  John 15:7

E.    Witnessing [Weapon # 4] is a weapon

1.     When you witness to someone, you get something back.

a.     He that blesses is blessed

b.     He that gives is given unto

c.     He that watered is watered

2.     As we reach out to bless and love others, God reaches back and replenishes us, giving us His divine blessing.

a.     Witnessing to others about God’s power causes us to stand stronger and stronger.


Conclusion:  These two steps are the foundation of our walk in the power, authority, and dominion God has ordained for the believer.




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