
Philippians 3:1-3


Introduction: This is the last Sunday in this year.  Time to reflect.  Look back for a moment and just thank God you are here today.  We could spend much time looking back, but we are to look to the future.  What are we going to do with the coming year?  All of us have a choice to make as to what track we will follow.  Today we look at one track to follow, and that is to REJOICE.


I.             An Introduction to the First Three Verses.

A.    Four areas to meditate on

1.     By rejoicing in the Lord – Vs 1

2.     By heeding what is written [The Scripture] Vs 1

3.     By watching out for false teachers – Vs 2

4.     Knowing that you are the true [spiritual] circumcision – Vs 3

B.    Paul’s ambition for us is that we “Press On”

1.     He set forth some things we must do as we “press on”


II.             Rejoice in the Lord!

A.    Guard yourself by rejoicing in the Lord.

1.     One who is always rejoicing in the Lord will not go astray.

B.    In life there are two things always confronting him.

1.     Circumstances

2.     False teachings

C.   The trials of life, minor and major confront him

1.     One has to stand and face these awful trials of life including:

a.     Temptation

b.     Lust of the eyes and flesh

c.     Greed and selfishness

d.     Arguments and division

e.     Death, accidents, disease

2.     If one walks on this earth, one will not escape the trials of life.

a.     He is confronted every day of his life with trials

b.     No matter where he walks false teaching of life will confront him.

c.     Many different ideas about how to handle life will confront him.

D.   Four Teachings to Beware of

1.     “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” 

a.     Just ignore the trials and problems of life

b.     Spend it all on pleasure

c.     Get all the gusto out of life as possible

d.     Do your own thing

2.     Another teaching says, “Discipline and control yourself”.

a.     Take care of your body and mind

b.     Don’t give in to lust and passions of life

c.     The abuse of the mind and body is a waste

d.     Live as long as you can and contribute as much as you can

e.     By walking this path of a disciplined and controlled life, maybe you will be accepted in the end.

3.     Another says, “Don’t go overboard, enjoy life, and join in. do what you want.

a.     Just keep all in reason

b.     Don’t over abuse your body and mind

c.     OK to indulge occasionally

d.     Don’t do it often so as to hurt yourself

4.     Another says ‘religion’ is the answer to both life and death.

a.     Join a religious body

b.     Undergo its rituals, adopt its beliefs

c.     Live the best you can

d.     Doing this will give you a strong self image

e.     Confident God will accept you

f.      Be as good as you can and God will accept what goodness you are able to build up.

5.     Another Thought:  The list could go on and on.

a.     There is only one way and that is through Jesus Christ.

b.     One must have that Born Again experience with Jesus Christ.  Being Saved!


E.    What believers must do to over come.

              1.Guard ourselves by rejoicing in the Lord

              2. When we are rejoicing, our mind is only on the Lord

              3. Note: Number of things Christ has done for us:

                 a. Justified us    b. He adopted us   c. Reconciled us   d. Saved us

                 e. Delivered us   f. He is our righteousness   g. Died for us and gave    

                     us new life   h. In heaven for us now

F.    We need to walk around having joy and rejoicing for what God has done for us.

G.   If the believer is to “Press On” he must walk about rejoicing in the Lord.

1.     Nothing can separate us – Romans 8:35-39

2.     The best way to face trials of life and false teaching is to focus on the Lord.

3.     Our mind cannot be in two places at once

4.     When we are rejoicing upon the Lord, our minds cannot be on trials.

H.   Some important Scriptures to keep in mind.

  1. Luke 10:20     2. John 15:11     3. Philippians 4:4    4. 1Peter 4:12-13

  5. Psalms 5:11    6. Psalms 32:11    7. Habakkuk 3:17-18



Conclusion: As we look back on this past year, we are not to dwell on the negative but on the positive. As we look at ’03, it will be a year of jubilee.   Let us rejoice in what has happened, but most of all, rejoice in what God is going to do.  



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