Rejoice in Him

Philippians 4:1-5


Introduction: After studying some of the life of Paul and his commitment to Jesus Christ, he then gives each of us a challenge to have peace and joy in our life.  He tells us to REJOICE IN THE LORD, AND AGAIN I SAY REJOICE!  Now is the time for us to get radical in our praise, worship, and rejoicing in the Lord.


I.             Paul’s Joy – Vs 1-3

A.    He sees that his labor has not been in vain.

1.     He longed for – crave, desire

2.     My joy and crown

3.     His dearly beloved

B.    His fellow workers

1.     Whose names are written in the book of life


II.          Rejoice – Again I say rejoice! Vs 4

A.    This is present, active, imperative

1.     We are to rejoice – period – regardless

a.     Note:  Paul was in a Roman prison when he wrote this letter.

B.    Some explanations on Rejoice

1.     Be glad in the Lord at all times

2.     All joy be yours at all times in your union with God

3.     Always be glad in the Lord, I will repeat it, be glad

4.     Be continually happy, this happiness you can find only in the Lord.

5.     Genuine happiness is SPIRITUAL, as it can only come from God.

6.     ALWAYS, even amidst the afflictions now distressing you

a.     Philippians 1:27-28

C.   For us it is a duty to Christ Jesus

1.     Cheerfulness and joy, a duty which glorifies God

a.     Enables us to bear afflictions, to glory in them and to triumph over them.

b.     Rejoice always – at all times – in all conditions

2.     Jesus Christ is the great, sure, and perpetual joy of His children and people

a.     It is our duty to be joying in Him always

b.     To REJOICE in our knowledge of Him, what He has undertaken for us, our personal interest in Him, our comfort derived from Him, and our eternal hope in Him.



III.       Our Moderation – Vs 5

A.    Mildness, patience, yield ness, gentleness

1.     A gentle behavior – be clear to all men

2.     Reasonableness – be recognized by every one

3.     Forbearing spirit – be plain to every one

4.     Your quite and settled mind

B.    One’s attitude and testimony

1.     Meekness under provocation

2.     Readiness to forgive injuries

3.     Govern their appetites, restrain their tempers

4.     To be an example of what is proper for men

5.     Consideration for others

6.     Sweetness of temper

7.     These are the results of JOY and PEACE in the Lord.

C.   The message of MODERATION for us

1.     To be gentle and forbearing with unbelievers

a.     Note the phrase “all men”

b.     Not only deals with those in church, but with unbelievers

2.     Example: Woman taken in adultery – John 8:3-11

      What justice and law said – “She should be stoned to death”

3.     Jesus showed a gracious gentleness – Jesus went beyond justice

4.     “Go, sin no more” – a loving gentleness

D.   Jesus is saying the same today

1.     I love you – I want to save you – now

2.     Come to me – receive me – then go and sin no more


Conclusion: This has been a dual message, a message for Christians to walk in peace and joy of the Lord and just a simple call for us to be a witness for Him. Let our moderation be made known to all men.

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