Behold I Stand

Revelation 3:10-13


Introduction:  We are closer to the Lord’s return today than we ever have been.  Two things needed more today than ever before; prayer and repentance.  Repent and be saved and pray to keep self-strong in the Lord.


I.             A word to the church at Philadelphia.  Vs 10-13

A.   To those that are faithful.  Keep the Word. Vs 10

1.     To keep us from the coming tribulation. Psalm 18:7-15

B.    Jesus is coming soon.  Vs 11

1.     Hold fast. Stand fast in the Lord.

2.     To the over comers – Vs 12

a.     A pillar in the temple of God

b.     We will have a new name


II.          Picture of the modern church today.  Revelation 3:14-21

A.   We will compare that church with the modern church today.

1.     Neither hot nor cold – Vs 15-16

a.     Little or no spirit

b.     The sad results – Vs 16

2.     Total dependence on the world system – Vs 17

a.     The need; the Holy Spirit, the Word – Vs 18

3.     The Holy Spirit tells us to repent – Vs 19


III.       The central truth in these verses. – Vs 20

A.   We will examine this verse in two ways.

1.     The Holy Spirit – Christ Jesus knocking at the heart of the sinner.

2.     The Holy Spirit knocking at the Believer’s heart asking in to pray.

B.    If you are not saved or not sure of your salvation

1.     A moving down on the inside, a restlessness, a seeking

2.     That is Jesus knocking at your heart’s door

3.     Open the door, let Jesus in

4.     He will come in and dine with you – Vs 20


IV.        Who it was written too; to all men.  Vs 20

A.   The verse says “If ANY man hear my voice”

1.     Jesus stands at our heart’s door

2.     He knocks, we must hear and open the door

a.     How often do we have so much ‘noise’ that we don’t hear Him knock?

B.    Jesus has the authority and power to open the door.

1.     Authority – Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and earth.

a.     Matthew 28:18 – power

b.     He owns the world and the fullness thereof.

2.     Power – Jesus could just kick down the door and walk in.

a.     He will not, we must open the door ourselves.

3.     Because God has given us dominion.

a.     Genesis 1:26,  Psalm 8:6,  Hebrews 2:8

b.     He will enter when we ask Him to come in.

c.     God often wants to talk with us, enter our domain.

d.     That urge to pray is God knocking on our heart’s door.

C.    Jesus told us to seek, ask, and knock; that is our fellowship with Him

1.     When God knocks on our door, He wants to reveal Himself to us.

a.     He wants to bring us into His presence

b.     God wants to have a personal encounter with us.

c.     Philippians 4:5-6 – When He knocks, He is at hand

d.     Time to pray, supplicate, listen to the Holy Spirit

e.     God will then manifest Himself

D.   A firm warning

A.   Satan will do all he can to come in and stop you.

1.     We are to try the spirits; there are many out there.

2.     We must keep a ‘peep hole’ to see who is there.

3.     When we see that it is Satan, cast down the thought.

B.    What Jesus told us to do

1.     Luke 11:2 – When you pray, SAY

2.     Marl 11:23 – we shall SAY


Conclusion:  Is Jesus knocking at your heart’s door today?  Open the door to Jesus, let Him in to save you, restore you, heal you, deliver you, or just to fellowship with Him.  Listen for His knocking.  If you listen hard, you will hear that knock often.

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