The Restoration by the Blood

Job 1:1-22


Introduction: Without contradiction Job is the oldest book in the Bible and what took place occurred long before the law was given.  In this ancient book we see the blood message beautifully taught.  We must allow the Holy Spirit to teach us the real message.


I. The Hedge.  Job 1:9-10

A.   Job was a man who believed in God and offered sacrifices.

1.     Satan could not get to Job because of the hedge God put around him.

2.     Satan was standing before God giving an account of what he was doing.

3.     The subject of Job came up.  Vs 9

a.     Satan was questioning Job’s faith in God.

b.     He was accusing God of divine protection for Job.

c.     He was telling God how blessed job was on all sides. Vs 10

B.    This hedge was in response to Job’s burnt offerings.  Vs 5

1.     Job was guarded in five areas.

a.     Job himself, Job’s house and family, Job’s possessions, Job’s works, and Job’s substance.

C.    Our blood protection today is a hedge that guards us on every side.

1.     Our “hedge protection” insures us of a continual blessing from God.

a.     In the New Covenant our protection is guaranteed in the Blood of Christ.

b.     It will not be withdrawn from us at anytime as we meet the conditions.

2.     In this day of salvation only a believer can break down his hedge.

a.     As long as the hedge is up the devil cannot break in.

b.     Satan is constantly trying to break down your hedge.

c.     His desire is to cause us to become disobedient to the Word.

d.     When the hedge is down he has no protection from satanic invasion.

Proverbs 25:28


II.  Job, the Priest of His Home.

A.  The Bible teaches that a husband/father has the responsibility of providing for his family.

3.     This is true in the spiritual as well as the natural.

4.     Exodus 12.  The father sprinkled blood over his home in behalf of his first-born.

5.     The Philippian jailor was a husband and father.

a.     Paul and Silas addressed this head of the home saying:

“Believe  - - - - and thy house” Acts 16:31

B.  Job was acting on this principle long ago when he offered burnt sacrifices for his

Children.  Job 1:4-5

6.     Note that Cain and Able did not offer sacrifices until they left home.

7.     Job was providing a blood covering for his sons and daughters

8.     There came a day when the hedge was removed and all his children and livestock was destroyed.


III.  Twice as much - Job 42

A.  The Lord reproves Job’s friends.

9.     He instructs them. Vs 8

10.  As they offered sacrifices, the Lord accepted Job through the blood.

a.     The hedge was restored.

b.     The protection job once knew was once again in operation.

c.     This happened only after the sacrifices were offered. Vs 10

11.  Remember how much Job had?  Job 1:1:3

12.  What the Lord did. Job 42:12

13.  Everything Job had was restored back twice.

a.     We are restored in Christ “much more” than what we have had in Adam.


IV.  Salvation by the Blood.

A. Job not only lost his cattle, he lost seven sons and three daughters.

14.  His children died in a windstorm.  Job 1:18-19

15.  At the end of the trial God promised to restore twice as much as before.

16.  Following that order, Job would have fourteen sons and daughters.  Job 42:13

17.  Here is a beautiful truth.

18.  God did not give Job twice as many sons and daughters because:

a.     The blood of Job’s sacrifices atoned for the first sons and daughters.

b.     Job had not lost them because they were saved.

c.     Job did have fourteen sons and daughters.

d.     The first half was in Paradise.

e.     The second half was with him now. Job 42:14

f.      [Side note: Look at the names of the girls and see the similarity of names we use today]

g.     The Children that died did not cease to exist.

h.     They were covered by the blood sacrifices and were accepted in Paradise,


Conclusion: What has the enemy stolen from you?  It is time to make that “blood sacrifice”.  No we don’t offer up an animal or such, but we are to speak the Word. sing the Blood, and apply the Blood of Christ in our lives today.

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