Standing Fast

Philippians 4:1-5


Introduction:  This is the first of six steps to maintaining peace in our lives.  Standing fast in our relationship with God, our walk with Jesus, and our obedience to the Holy Spirit.


I.             The First Step to Peace is Standing Fast --  Vs 1

A.   What has been said and what is about to be said.

1.     There are enemies of the cross – 3:18

2.     The believers citizenship is in heaven - - 3:20

3.     The Lord is going to return and take us out - - 3:21

4.     All this says - - - Stand Fast in the Lord

B.    If a person wants the peace of God:

1.     He must do the things Paul taught and did

a.     One of the MAJOR things he taught was to STAND FAST IN THE LORD.

2.     Stand Fast: Means simply to stand firm, persist, persevere

a.     A picture a soldier standing fast in the face of the enemy

b.     One who refuses to give ground

c.     Regardless of the pressure or strength of the enemy

d.     He doesn’t flinch, he is stable, and he is never defeated!

3.     The believer is to Stand Fast - - -

a.     No matter how great the trial

b.     No matter the pressure of the temptation

c.     No matter the influence, offer, and allurement of others


II.          How Does a Believer Stand Fast?

A.   When temptations are so real and appealing

1.     When the trial is so terrible

2.     Where can the believer find strength to Stand Fast?

B.    There are two places

1.     First there is the believers source of strength

a.     In the Lord Himself

b.     Note the words “Stand fast in the Lord”

c.     Only one place the believer can stand fast

d.     That is “IN THE LORD”

2.     The believer must be living and moving and having his being in the Lord.

a.     That is, he must be:

1.     Praying, talking, and sharing with the Lord

2.     Keeping his thoughts upon the Lord, His mission He has given to believers.

b.     Serving and ministering for the Lord

1.     Bearing testimony of Jesus

2.     Meeting needs of the hurting

C.    Second,when a believer is “Walking in the Lord”

1.     His mind and thoughts are upon the Lord

2.     When trials and temptations come:

a.     He is conscience and aware of the Lord’s presence and strength.

b.     He has been thinking and sharing and talking with the Lord.

c.     He has been standing and walking with the Lord all day long.

d.     This makes one able to “STAND FAST IN THE LORD”

3.     By walking in prayer and praise all day long:

a.     This keeps the peace of God dwelling inside – 4:6

b.     This gives power to conquer trials and temptations – 4:9

c.     Bringing into captivity our thoughts  - 2 Corinthians 10:5

Thought: One who walks praying and keeping his mind and thoughts upon the Lord, is one who Stands Fast in the Lord.  No way to be in the Lord unless we are doing this.  Simple, what ever we are thinking, talking, and walking is where we are. The first step to peace is to “Stand Fast in the Lord”


III.       Scriptures that exhort us to Stand Fast

1.     Believers are to Stand Fast in the faith  - - 1 Corinthians 16:13

2.     Stand Fast in the liberty of Christ - - Galatians 5:1

3.     Stand Fast in one spirit - - Philippians 1:27

4.     Stand Fast in the Lord which is the secret of peace --  Vs 1

5.     Stand Fast in sound teaching and doctrine - - 2 Thessalonians 2:15


Conclusion: Just one command, Stand Fast.  If we are to maintain the victory in our Christian walk, we must continually Stand Fast in the Lord.

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