To Rejoice

Philippians 4:4-6


Introduction: Stand Fast, be in agreement and unity.  Paul says to “Rejoice and again I say rejoice.”  Now we will see some of the reasons he said rejoice.


I.             Why rejoice?

A.   To rejoice is to guard ourselves.

1.     When one is rejoicing in the Lord, one will not go astray.

2.     The believer will confront circumstances and false teachings.

3.     He stands, confronts, and overcomes the trial.

B.    Here are a few things we can always rejoice in.

1.     Jesus has justified us

2.     We have been adopted into the family of God.

3.     He reconciled us and saved us

4.     He has secured our righteousness

5.     He gives us victory over sin

6.     He gave to us an eternal hope of life eternal.

C.    The believer just walks about rejoicing in all God has done for him.

1.     The greatest way to guard ourselves against the onslaught of the enemy is to rejoice in the Lord.

2.     We must walk about praising and worshiping in the Lord.


II.   Rejoicing keeps the believer in the presence of God.

D.   No matter how great the trial, Jesus is there.

1.     A believer knows that nothing can separate him from Jesus

2.     He knows that the Lord’s love is ever with him.

3.     He knows that he will never die, but will live eternally

4.     He knows that what ever comes on him, it cannot conquer or overcome him.

E.    If called to lay down his life:

1.     One just moves on to heaven

2.     And Jesus will escort him into heaven

3.     And into the very presence of God

4.     There one is forever secure in the keeping power of the Lord Jesus Christ.


6.     Luke 10:20,  John 15:11,  1 Peter 4:12-13,  Deuteronomy 12:7,  Psalm 5:11,  Psalm 32:11,  Habakkuk 3:17-18


III.  Let your Moderation – Vs 5

F.    Translates: gentleness, courtesy, patience

1.     This also means our testimony; what other people see in us.

G.   How we deal with people, saved or un-saved

1.     Colossians 3:13,  2 Timothy 2:24,  James 3:17

H.   The reason we must be gentle to men;

1.     The lord is at hand

2.     He is ready to come, His coming is very near

3.     This means we must be ready and win the lost

4.     Last, we must keep ourselves clean and pure before the Lord


Conclusion: Rejoice, your redemption is very near.  Let your moderation, conversation be unto the Lord.  Rejoice for the Lord Jesus is coming soon.  Let your moderation be made known to all men.  

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