The Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Acts 2:1-13


Introduction:  Pentecost, the Feast of the First Fruits.  It was a giving thanks to God.  The time the Church was born.  This was the day of the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Now we want to see into what this is for all of us.


I.               The Holy Spirit – Pentecost – Acts 2:1-4

A.   There was the Spirit’s infilling

1.     Suddenly – The Holy Spirit came suddenly, abruptly, unexpectantly

2.     The kind of abrupt happening that jolts and startles a person.

3.     God was dramatizing the supernatural and precious significance of the event.

B.    There was a mighty sound that filled the room.

1.     The sound was from heaven that is from God.

a.     It came from God’s activity

b.     Not from natural activity causes

c.     It was supernatural

d.     God created sound for this very reason

2.     The sound was like the rushing of a mighty wind.

a.     It was not wind

b.     A sound like the deafening roar or blast of a strong wind.

1.     Like a hurricane, gale, tornado

2.     The sound “filled all the house”

3.     It localized upon the house where they were sitting.

                                 3. Three reasons the sound filled that house

                                         a. First, people needed to be startled and alarmed

1.     Attracted together from all over Jerusalem

2.     All seeking to know what happened

3.     An audience needs to be gathered for the first preaching of the gospel.

c.     Second. The mighty power of the Spirit needed to be                                                   

      symbolized and dramatized for the disciples.

1.     They needed a strong confidence instilled within them.

2.     Strength and boldness to stand and preach the gospel before the very persons who crucified Jesus.

3.     Before the ones who were hunting them as accomplices.

d.     Third. The disciples would learn how Christ wanted them to preach the gospel.

1.     The Holy Spirit would draw people

2.     They would be asking what had happened

3.     The Holy Spirit would lead them to people whom they were to reach.


II.             The Appearance of Cloven Tongues – Vs 3

A.   The Greek means a tongue that was cloven, that is divided, parted.

1.     A single tongue appeared  - corporate

2.     It begin to split and divide itself

3.     It began to rest upon each of the disciples

B.    The tongues were not fire, but like fire

1.     They only looked like fire

2.     They were brilliant, luminous, fire like substance created by God.

3.     This was to dramatize the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples.

C.    The first tongues of fire symbolized the presence of the Holy Spirit.

1.     The Holy Spirit was to dwell in the midst of God’s people as a whole.

2.     When the Holy Spirit began to divide into many tongues of fire:

a.     He began to rest on each individual believer

b.     That symbolized that He was to dwell within each believer

c.     As well as the entire body of believers

d.     What Paul said:  1Corinthians 3:16-17

3.     Note:  “He sat” The word is singular, not plural.

a.     Scripture does not say ‘they sat’ but “He, the Holy Spirit Himself”

b.     He was descending and resting upon each of the disciples

c.     They were receiving the Spirit of God

4.     Note:  The Spirit appeared in the form of a tongue of fire.

a.     The Tongue symbolizes the instrument of speaking and preaching and sharing the gospel.

b.     The Holy Spirit was burning the power of the tongue of the convicting message to be proclaimed.


III.           The results were twofold

A.   The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit

1.     They were all filled with the presence and power of the Spirit.

a.     All of them corporately and each one individually.

2.     Each one had been commanded to wait for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

a.     Each was to be filled with His presence and power

b.     It was a command to the individual as well to whole body

c.     Each one was to experience and know His grace and power and fruit.  Galatians 5:22-23

Thought: A critical point is often ignored and neglected.  The command to be filled with the Spirit is still God’s command to every believer, both individually and corporately to the church.  Ephesians 5:18-19

Thought: How neglectful the church is!  Ignoring and neglecting the command, “To seek and be filled with the Spirit”.  How many churches actually meet together to pray and wait for the filling of God’s Spirit?  Luke 11:13

3.     Second: The disciples were given the gifts of the Spirit.

a.     This was to carry on the work of the ministry on earth.

1.     Ephesians 4:3-14,  Acts 1:8

b.     The disciples began to speak in tongues. Vs 4


IV.           Tongues – Holy Spirit

A.   What is meant by “Other tongues” here?  Note two things.

1.     Other tongues here means foreign languages.  Vs 6-11

a.     The disciples were supernaturally witnessing and preaching in languages.

b.     It is clear here what the Word says

2.     Other tongues – The tongues or ecstatic utterances as in Corinthians.

a.     Commonly called ‘Heavenly Prayer Languages’

b.     A worship that could have been taking place while the disciples were experiencing the infilling of the Spirit.

c.     A lapse of time between the infilling and the crowd gathering.

d.     They were coming from all parts of Jerusalem to see what happened.

e.     An ecstatic praise and worship and joy was there.

3.     Now they knew the most wonderful thing:

a.     Christ Jesus was in them!

1.     His Spirit had actually entered into their hearts and lives.

2.     Their wonderful Lord had returned to them just as He said He would.

b.     They were filled with a deep sense of His presence and power.

1.     It was His concern and love for the world, His desire to share the glorious gospel.

4.     As the Spirit Gave Them Utterance – Vs 4

a.     They spoke in tongues only as the Spirit gave utterance.

b.     This is the clear difference of the gift of tongues.

1.     1 Corinthians 14:28-33

2.     One as the Spirit gave utterance at Pentecost

3.     Next as the Spirit gave utterance to pray, praise, worship and build up the inner man. Jude 20


Conclusion: The Holy Spirit is just as real for the Church today as it was for them on The Day of Pentecost.  Remember one thing, the devil will do all in his power to make the Church powerless.  This is one thing that he has succeeded in; taking away the power of the Holy Spirit in the Church.



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