The Power to Witness

Acts 2:11-24


Introduction:  There was witnessing on that day.  Devout men heard the Word.  Those who were filled with the Spirit began to minister to all that were present.  Men out of every tribe and nation heard the Word. 


I.               Devout Men, Jewish Pilgrims

A.   These had come from all around the world.

1.     They had come to celebrate the Feast of the First Fruits

2.     These were devout, reverent, worshipful, careful men

3.     These were men who handled spiritual matters carefully

B.    When this was noised abroad -  Vs 6

1.     It seemed to be saying:

a.     It was the disciples behavior that brought the crown together

2.     The Greek says, “When this sound, [voice] was heard”

a.     A thunderous blast caused by God

b.     It brought people to the scene

C.    The people heard an amazing thing

1.     The disciples were supernaturally speaking in their own tongues. Vs 6-11

D.   The number of dialects and languages were many.

1.     People came from the known areas of the world at that time

2.     From all over the world people came to hear “The Gospel of Salvation”

a.     Learning how to be saved

b.     Being able to go back to their homes, towns and share

c.     Share the “Wonderful Works of God”

3.     This was the personal witness of the gospel

a.     This was what Peter was about to preach to the whole world

E.    What the crowd heard was the “Wonderful Works of God”

1.     This was the personal witness of the gospel

2.     Acts 1:8  -  The ground work for personal witnessing


II.             The Reaction to the Gospel  -  Vs 12-13

A.   There were different reactions to the gospel

1.     All were amazed and astonished, marveling at what was happening.

B.    There was a twofold reaction.

1.     One.  Some were attracted, perplexed and wondering

a.     They were at a loss as to what was happening

b.     But they were attracted to seek the meaning in it all

2.     Two.  Others simply mocked, accusing the disciple of being drunk.

a.     What a change, worshipping and praising God in tongues.

1.     Such ecstatic joy flooding their hearts

2.     It caused them to act in a strange way

3.     Where is infilling of such joy today?

4.     2 Cor. 6:2  [today]


III.           The First Sermon Preached in the New Church Age.  Vs 14-24

A.   After Jesus’ ascension and Pentecost and the infilling of the Holy Spirit:

  1.What if men would preach the word that was preached then?

a.     What a difference would exist in men’s lives

b.     A difference in our churches

c.     Even in world history

2.     The Church has been modernized and industrialized

3.     Length and time placed on preachers causes problems

B.    Peter recaps what happened  -  Vs 14-16

1.     The believers were filled with the Holy Spirit

2.      The disciples were so full of the Holy Spirit

3.     So full of the ‘presence of God’ and ‘Holy Ghost Joy’

a.     They acted very excited

b.     Spoke of the “Wonderful Works of God”

c.     Expressing joy and rejoicing in what God had done

d.     Demonstrated absolute confidence, assurance, and conviction of God’s presence and eternal salvation.


IV.           Such Behavior Required an Explanation

A.   It was not common behavior

1.     Not in a world of uncertainty, struggle and survival:

a.     One of pain and hurt

b.     Of suffering and death

2.     People did all to escape the reality of it

B.    A person who demonstrated absolute confidence, assurance, and conviction of God’s presence and eternal salvation had to explain himself.

1.     Some were amazed and wished to know what it meant.

2.     Others mocked, jokingly suggesting that they were crazy and foolish.

3.     That they were acting like drunken men.

4.     Each needed an answer.  Acts 2:12-13

C.    A Spirit filled person is not under man made excitement.

1.     Peter and the disciples stood before thousands who had gathered.

2.     With great authority Peter began to speak

3.     Note what forcefulness he spoke with

a.     “Be it known”  Vs 14

b.     “Hearken to my words”  Vs 14

c.     “It is but the third hour of the day”  [nine AM]

4.     Peter was declaring the power of God

a.     They were not drunk or speaking foolishly

b.     They were speaking just as God had promised.  Acts 1:8

c.     It was the glorious gospel, the good news, promised by God.


Conclusion:  Here God had taken a group of ordinary men and women , simple people, and transformed them into firebrands for Christ.  That same Holy Spirit power is still available for us today.

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