The Last Days # 1

Acts 2: 17-21


Introduction:  These are the Last Days we are in now.  We are winding down the last days of God’s work here on earth.  On this day of the birth of the church, the Holy Spirit ushered in a new dispensation.  It was and is the dispensation of grace and mercy.


I.               Peter Preaching to the Multitudes – Acts 2:14-15

A.   Five important statements that Peter declared.

1.     Today, this day, the great prophecy of Joel begins to be fulfilled.

a.     Joel 2:28-32

2.     Today, this day, begins the last days of earth’s history.

3.     Today, this day, begins the last days of God’s work on earth.

4.     Today, this day, begins the last days, the final age of God’s plan for human history.

5.     Today, this day, begins the last days, the dispensation of God’s grace [the church], the age of the gospel.

Thought: In the Scripture, the Last Days means all of the above.  The last days began when Christ came to earth and they will end when Christ returns to earth.  NOTE: We are already 2000 years into the last days.


II.             The Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit – Vs 17

A.   The word ‘pour’ – what it means

1.     To pour out, to pour forth, to shed forth

2.     It means that God gives His Spirit:

a.     To dwell in the believer  -John 14:17, 1Corinthians 6:19-20

b.      To abide with the believer forever – John 14:16

c.     To fill to overflow, to abundantly fill – Ephesians 5:18

d.     To give very special ‘manifestations’ of Christ to the believers.  John 14:21

3.     God pours out His Spirit upon all flesh.

a.     Upon sons and daughters

b.     Upon young men and old men

c.     Upon His slaves, servants, and handmaidens

1.     The point is this; God’s Spirit shows no discrimination.

2.     The Spirit of God is available to all, male, female, young or old, bond or free, rich or poor

4.     God pours out His Spirit with very special gifts.

a.     The gift of prophecy, proclaiming and predicting truth

1.     This gift is given to men and women

2.     This was part of the spiritual promise

b.     The gift of seeing visions, especially among young men

1.     Greek word vision means appearance  - Revelation 4:3

2.      Or ecstatic revelation – Revelation  9:17

3.     What a man can envision, [see, imagine, think, cause to appear] within his own mind.

4.     What is given to him by God through special revelation 

Revelation  9:17

c.     The gift of dreaming dreams, especially among older men

1.     The idea is that God gives the dream.

Thought: Note a crucial fact.  History has shown and Scripture warns that spiritual gifts are often misused and abused, tragically and destructively so.

1.     We must guard against accepting every dream and vision as being from God.  God’s word is the revelation of God.  What God wants to reveal to us is therein.  We must stand upon God’s Word and measure every vision and dream by God’s Word

d.     God pours out His Spirit only on His servants and handmaidens.

e.     God gives one special gift to all who are saved.

1.     It is the gift of prophecy

2.     It is the proclaiming the good news

3.     I have been saved, proclaiming Jesus as Lord

4.     We are to proclaim that God sent Jesus His Son to save sinners.

Thought:  Professionalism.  A devastating blow to most of us. 

1.     So many of us leave proclamation that is witnessing, up to others, using the flimsy excuse that we are neither capable nor gifted to witness.

2.     Too many enjoy the prestige of a “professional gift” and a “professional ministry”, minimizing the lay ministry and layman’s gift to proclaim Christ.  The need of the hour is for all to proclaim and witness for Christ.


5.     The Last Days include:

  a. The terrible days of judgment at the end

  b. The Day of the Lord – 1 Thessalonians  4:13-17

1.     When the Lord returns to execute judgment on the earth

2.     Acts 2:19 –20.  2 Peter 3:10-12


Thought: Think how this resembles atomic warfare. 


6.     The last days include the days of great salvation

7.     During this period man can be saved

8.     He has to call, to sense the need to be saved

9.     He has to call upon the Name of the Lord

10.  To know and believe that Jesus is Lord

11.  To submit to His Lordship, to serve Him as Lord

12.  Romans 10:13


Conclusion: We have choices now.  We can accept Jesus as Lord and serve Him.  This way we will be caught up with Him when He appears to gather His bride.  One can do nothing and go through the seven years of tribulation on earth.  There will be an opportunity to be saved, but it will be much easier and safer now than then.

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