God’s Covenant to Heal

Exodus 15:22-26


Introduction: God made a Covenant with the children of Israel there at Marah.  That Covenant has never been rescinded. 

As the people followed and obeyed Moses, we are to follow and obey Jesus.  Today we are to obey the Word and do the works of Jesus.


I.               Covenant for Healing – Exodus 15:26

A.   There are four conditions of healing.

1.     Diligently hear God’s voice

a.     Acknowledge Him as God and live free from idolatry

2.     Live righteous lives in His sight

a.     Be godly in life and conduct, as God Himself would have you live.

3.     Give ear to His commandments

a.     Not only to the Ten Commandments

b.     But to God’s rules of action as to right and wrong

4.     Keep all His statutes

a.     Receive His regulations for a religious and civil life

b.     Consecrate our life to God

B.    No man can expect to be immune from sickness

1.     Note:  But we can expect the blessing when we meet them.

  a. Exodus 23:20-25    [ That Rock is Jesus, 1Corinthians 10:4]

2.     Sin and rebellion has penalties

a.     God set forth blessings and curses – Deuteronomy 28

3.     If there had been no sin, there would be no curse

4.     Glory! When Jesus comes back there will be no sickness.

5.     God is - - Jehovah Rapha – Jehovah the Healer – “I am the God that healeth thee”.

6.     God keeps His Covenant:

a.     Psalm 103:1-5,  Psalm 107:6, 13, 19-20, 31-32, Acts 10:38


II.             Healing acts of Jesus. Luke 4:18-19, 40

A.   What Jesus did for them, He will do for us.

1.     Jesus came to demonstrate the provisions God had made for man.

2.     The commission to the Twelve Disciples.  Matthew 10:1

a.     What they were to do – Matthew 10:8

b.     Jesus also sent out seventy – Luke 10:9, 17

B.    Now a walk through Matthew

1.     Matthew 8:1-4 – “I will”

a.     A new dispensation had been ushered in – Leviticus 14:2-4

2.     Matthew 8:7, 13  -  “I will”

3.     Matthew 8:14-15 – Jesus touched

a.     Vs 16-17 – healed all that were sick

4.     Matthew 9:2-6 – sins forgiven

a.     Matthew 9:18-25

5.     Matthew 9:27-30,  35

6.     Matthew 12:10-13 – stretch forth – an action

7.     Matthew 12:22-23 – Jesus just spoke healing

8.     Matthew 14:13-14, 

a.     Vs 34-36 – just to touch Him

9.     Matthew 15:22, 28-31  -  strong in faith

10.  Matthew 15:30 – cast, lay, put, FLUNG – not careless, but in haste

11.  Matthew 17:14-18 – rebuked the devil

12.  Matthew 20:30-34 – Cry for healing heard


Conclusion:  Healing is for today!  Both spiritual and physical belongs to us. What is your need today?  Reach out, call and act to receive what God has for you.  

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