Healing IS for Today

Matthew 8:17

Isaiah 53:4-5


Introduction: We have taken Jesus as our Savior, our Redeemer, our High Priest, our Advocate, but somehow we haven’t fully taken Him as our healer. We need to take John 14:12 serious.


I.               Jesus the Healer – Isaiah 53:4-5

A.   Grief and sorrows should have been translated:

1.     Grief – sickness – disease –

a.     2Kings 1:2,  8:28-29,  Psalm 38:7

2.     Sorrows – pain – Vs 5

B.    Jesus became identified with suffering by taking them on Himself.

1.     He bore them in death so we might be free of them.

2.     Jesus bore on His sinless body all the:

a.     Sickness, disease known to man

b.     While hanging on that cross, He became that substitute for us.


II.             Nine proofs that Jesus heals.

1.     Vs 4.  Surly, firmly, certainly – He bore our sickness and diseases.

a.     He was pierced, slain bodily for our transgressions

b.     Bruised for our iniquities

c.     With His stripes were healed

2.     Matthew 8:16-17 – The fulfilled prophecy

a.     Proves this was not spiritual healing, but physical healing

b.     Physical healing is mentioned many times in our covenant

c.     Healing of the soul only once – Psalm 41:4

3.     Vs 3-5, 10  -  Both spiritual and physical grief – sickness was bore by Christ.

a.     Physical healing and forgiveness were provided in the atonement.

b.     “Acquainted with sickness, surly He hath bore our sickness, by His stripes we are healed”.

c.     “He was slain for our sins, with His wounds we are healed

d.     “He was wounded because we sinned,

The blows that fell to Him have brought us healing”

e.     “Surly our sickness He hath borne, and our pains He carried them, by His bruises there is healing for us.

f.      “Surly our sickness He carried and as for our pains, He bare the burden of them, and by His stripes there is healing for us.  God laid on Him sickness.”

4.     Vs 10 – Plainly states that God, Jehovah, hath made him sick, depressed Him with pain, laid on Him sickness.

a.     This was in addition to His soul being made an offering for sin.

b.     He was made sick for man as He was made sin for man

c.     He became a “sick offering” as well as a “sin offerin”: for man.

d.     Jesus never committed a sin, yet He was made sin for us.

1.     1Peter 2:22-23,  2Corinthians 5:21

e.     Jesus atoned for and made provisions for sicknesses to be healed, as well as for sin to be forgiven.

5.     It is the redemptive work of Jesus Christ that removes the curse of the law, sin and sickness.

a.     Romans 8:2

6.     God has made a Covenant to heal the body as well as save the soul.

a.     Exodus 15:26,  23:25, [Deuteronomy 7:12-15]

b.     Matthew 26:28  [The blood shed on the cross]

c.     God sent Jesus to fulfill these and demonstrate the provisions for man by healing the body and saving the soul.

1.     Matthew 8:16-17,  9:2-8  [Think evil]

2.     John 10:10  [Abundant life is without sickness]          

7.     God has declared that healing will accompany conversion if the gospel is taught properly and men receive and act on the truth.

a.     Psalm 103:1-3

b.     Matthew 13:9-15 [Be converted and be healed]

c.     Acts 28:23-27  [Vs 27 converted and healed them]

d.     James 5:13-15

8.     Peter confirmed our healing.

a.     1Peter 2:24

9.     Prayer and atonement is God’s method of dealing with sin and sickness.

a.     Proper confession of sin in various healings.

1.     Numbers 11:1-3,  16:46-50  [Prayer and atonement]

2.     John 3:14-15.  [Numbers 21:7-9]

3.     Matthew 8:16-17

Conclusion: If we really believe the Bible, accept the teaching of Jesus, healing is for us today.  Healing is for us today.  Time to act on the Word, pray, atone for our sins, believe God.  John 14:12-14.  


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