Faith Sees the Answer

Proverbs 4:20-27


Introduction: We have been studying obedience, walking worthy of our call and hearing what the Word is saying to us.  In this Proverb Solomon is instructing his children to keep their mind, even their eyes on his words.  We can say that this is God speaking through His Word to us today.


I.               My Words  - Vs 20-21

A.    God is saying to us now, “Pay attention to what I am saying”

1.     People fail because they see themselves sick, broke and as failures.

a.     What we should be saying – Isaiah 53:4-5  Matthew 8:17

b.     We are to keep the Word alive in us

c.     We must see ourselves healed and prosperous

2.     What is the power of Words?  Vs 22

a.     Health, healing -  Proverbs 16:24

b.     Healing – Malachi 4:2

c.     Cure – Jeremiah 33:6

3.     3 John 2, James 5:14, Matthew 8:17

a.     As our soul prospers – Study –praise – worship – prayer

b.     A corporate prayer agreement

c.     Accept Matthew 8:16-17


II.             Faith contradicts circumstances – Hebrews 13:5-8

A.    We are to keep saying “The Lord is my helper and He will not forsake me, for He is the same, He changes not.”

1.     How often have we said, “God has left me” or something to that effect.

2.     But who left whom?

3.     Say what is right:

a.     The Lord id my helper

b.     The Lord is my source

c.     The Lord id my HEALER

4.     Wrong thinking – wrong believing – talking whips people

a.     Jesus whipped the devil for us

b.     David an example for us – Samuel 17

1.     Cancer, heart disease, or what ever

2.     This could be your Goliath

3.     Be confident, you can overcome

B.    Have the David Kind of Faith

1.     Goliath – your sickness – infirmity

2.     Has defiled the temple of God

3.     Begin to speak as David did – “I come to you in the Name of the Lord”  [We can use Jesus] “ He took my sickness, healed my body, by His strips I am healed”

4.     Satan can’t whip us when we go in the strength of the Lord

a.     1Samuel 17:44-51

b.     We are to go in His strength – Hebrews 13:5-6


III.           Faith see the Answer –

A.    Four verses that give promise

a.     1 Peter 2:24

b.     Philippians 4:9

c.     Psalm 27:1

d.     Hebrews 3:12

B.    We have what the Word says I have

1.     If God says I am strong, I am

2.     If God says I am healed, I am

3.     If God says He cares for me, He does

4.     Hebrews 4:14-16 – Hold fast

a.     Come boldly, in prayer, in confessions, His Word

5.     Remember Jesus has paid for our healing

a.     Look at His back – strips for our healing

b.     Isaiah 53

c.     Now for us – hold fast – Hebrews 4:14-16


C.   Your ‘mountain’ Mark 11:23

1.     Continue to speak to your Goliath – that mountain

2.     Say “I am healed”, or what ever the problem


Conclusion: Keep speaking faith and the answer will come.  Keep in prayer, stay in the Word, let your confession always be positive and never let the enemy speak enough to cause you to loose faith.

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