Penalty for Disobedience

1 Samuel 15


Introduction: God desires obedience from each of us.  What are we to obey?  We are to be obedient to His Word.  His Words to us are not just a collection of suggestions, but are commands for us to follow.


I.               Saul, an example of disobedience

A.    His command was to completely destroy Amalek – Vs 1-3

1.     What Samuel told Saul to do – Vs 3

2.     What Saul did – Vs 7-9

a.     Destroyed only that which was worthless or poor quality

B.    Because of disobedience, God rejects Saul – Vs 10-11

1.     God repents for choosing Saul for king of Israel

C.   Saul’s lie to Samuel – Vs 12-15

a.     Saul’s greeting to Samuel – Vs 13

b.     The lie – disobedience to God’s command – Vs 13b

c.     Samuel’s question – Vs 14

d.     Excuse to do what the ‘people’ wanted – Vs 15


II.             Samuel points out to Saul what has happened – Vs 16-19

A.    Samuel tells Saul what the Lord has said to him.  Vs 16

1.     Samuel speaks to Saul – Vs 17-18

2.     Price for disobedience – Vs 19

                  E. Excuses, Vs 20-21


III.           Obedience better than sacrifice - Vs 22-23

A.    Even for us today, this is right

1.     We don’t offer burnt sacrifices, but other ‘things’ instead of obedience.

2.     What God desires is a willingness

3.     Are we willing to be obedient?


IV.           Saul’s repentance – Vs 24-25

A.    Why he sinned – Vs 24b

B.    B. The final rejection of Saul -  Vs 26-29

1.     God has taken the kingdom of Israel from you

2.     God’s word is final – Vs 29


V.             The final act of Samuel for Soul – Vs 30-31

A.    Just an act of courtesy on Samuels part

1.     Did it for show, not inner forgiveness

B.    Samuel finishes Saul’s command – Vs 32-35


Conclusion; One word, obedience is better than sacrifice.

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