Why I can be Saved

John 3:16


Today we have a very simple message, one to reaffirm our salvation.  Have we ever really thought about the reason we can be saved?


I.               What is the real meaning of being saved?

A.    Simple – step one is Romans 10:8-9

1.     1 John 1:7-10 – confess – 1 John 4:15

2.     Believe – 1 John 3:23-24, [1 John 5:3-5]

B.    This is not a mental consent

1.     Anyone can say “I believe in God”

2.     1 John 2:4-6

3.     This is the walkin’,  talkin’, witness for Jesus


II.             Several truths one MUST believe – John 1:1-5

A.    Each of these truths are to be real with no doubt in our heart.

1.     Jesus Christ is the Son of God

a.     Jesus was with God

b.     Jesus was God

c.     Came to earth as man – Vs 14

2.     Conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of a virgin – Luke 1:34-35

a.     He shall be called “The Son of God”

B.    Jesus lived a perfect life

1.     No guile, no sin was found in Him

2.     He went about doing good for all

a.     Raising the dead, healing all manner of sickness - - - - -

C.   He was judged falsely and crucified


III.           The Question is still – “Why I can be saved”

A.    The answer is still  - John 3:16

1.     God loved us so much He gave - -

a.     The best heaven had to offer

b.     The One who helped create the universe

c.     The One who appeared throughout the Old Testament

1.     The One who walked with Enoch

2.     Shut Noah in the Ark

3.     He ‘cut covenant’ with Abraham

4.  The Rod in Moses’ hand to part the Red Sea

5.     He was the Rock the water came from

6.     He was the Strength in the Jawbone in Samson’s hand

7.     He was the Fourth Man in the furnace

8.     He was the Lion Tamer in the lion’s den

9.     He was the Finger of Fire that wrote on the wall

B.    Several Events that sealed our covenant in the New Testament

1.     The Lords Supper = Matthew 26:26-29

2.     Gethsemane – Matthew 26:36-46

3.     The trial – the beatings – John 19:1

a.     By His strips – 1 Peter 2:24

4.     The crucifixion and resurrection


IV.           Calvary – The Shed Blood

A.    At Calvary these came to life for us

1.     He became our Passover

2.     He is our Vicar – one who acts in place of another

3.     He is our Savior

4.     He is our Blood Sacrifice

5.     His blood alone covers our sin

B.    God could not look on Jesus until:

1.     He was covered with His blood

2.     God will not look at us until we are covered with the Blood of Jesus

3.     That Blood of Jesus washes away all our sins

C.   Why can I be Saved?

1.     Because Jesus has paid the eternal sacrifice for sin

2.     He was the eternal atonement for us

3.     We are saved by the Blood -  Heb 9:22

D.   Now He is for the saved, born again, redeemed person

1.     He is our Living Water – John  4:10-11

2.     Our Living Bread – John 6:51-53

3.      Our Living Stone – 1Peter 2:4

4.     He is the Living Word – Hebrews 4:12


Conclusion: Simple isn’t it?  Man has tried to complicate being saved by rituals and ceremonies.  The one thing one must do is say with the heart, “I believe”, then begin to confess Jesus as Lord in their life and know that the Blood of Jesus HAS cleansed us and created a new man in us.

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