
1Samuel 15:22-23


Introduction: What does obedience mean to you, the Christian?  There are the laws of the land that we must obey.  One must note that most notable laws are based on God’s law.  Some city ordnances like, ‘don’t spit on the side walk, or don’t run a motor boat down main street.’  Memphis, Tn. Used to have one that you could not blow your car horn in the city.  God’s laws, His commands, statutes, we are to obey, and these are spelled out in the Word of God, the Bible.


I.               The Model for Most of Our Laws = Exodus 20:1-23

A.   These laws of God are inscribed on many of the wall in Washington, D.C.

1.     Godless men want them destroyed

2.     If they are destroyed, the very foundation of this nation has been destroyed.

3.     This nation was founded by Christians, not unbelievers

4.     The Pilgrims and Puritans came to this country to have freedom of religion.

5.     Seems as if this freedom is being taken away from the people today.


II.             What Happens When a King Disobeys = 1 Samuel 15:22-23

A.   Relate story in chapter 15

1.     God’s orders = Vs 3

2.     The conquest = Vs 7

3.     The disobedience = Vs 9

B.    The Word of the Lord came to Samuel = Vs 10-11

1.     God’s word to Saul = Vs 17-19

C.    Saul’s lie = Vs 20-21 [13]

1.     Blames the people for his actions

D.    The results of his disobedience = Vs 26-29

1.     As Samuel’s coat was rent, torn, so was the kingdom taken from Saul


III.           Saul Seeks a Witch for Guidance = 1 Samuel 28

A.   The error of seeking the wrong help

1.     Saul seeks advice from a median, the Witch of Endor

a.     He ask her to call up Samuel = Vs 11 

b.     Explain the word given – Israel lost, Saul died

B.    Where Saul got his word

1.     This was not Samuel but a familiar spirit that imitated him

C.    Here are nine proofs it was not Samuel

1.     This was not Samuel, but a familiar spirit

a.     God would not answer Saul by His Spirit, or dreams or visions, or prophets

b.     God had taken His Spirit away from him

2.     Saul was seeking information from demons, not God

3.     The Bible teaches communication can be demon spirits imitating departed loved ones = Isaiah 8:19

4.     We are not to traffic with demons at all

a.     God would NOT allow Samuel to speak to Saul

5.     This was a familiar spirit imitating Samuel = 1Chronicles 10:13-14

6.     The familiar spirit revealed himself when he said Saul would be with him next day = Vs 19

7.     God did not intercept the message between Saul and the spirit

8.     Saul died because of his sins and disobedience

a.     Also for his contacting demon spirits = Vs 1Chronicles 10:13-14

9.     Jesus taught that it was impossible for the dead to communicate with living persons on earth.  Luke 16:26-31


IV.           To Obey or to Disobey = “To be or not to be”

A.   To disobey sometimes is to do nothing

1.     Not to heed God’s Word

2.     Not to listen to the Holy Spirit

3.     Do only what is easy and convenient and what other want

4.     Other things more important than Church attendance

5.     EXCUSE = I am saved, that is enough = I have my tapes =  = =


V.             Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice = 1Samuel 15:22

A.   Obedience is better than all forms of religious acts

1.     Sacrifices and offerings

2.     Rituals and ceremonies

B.    These are the chief end of TRUE RELIGION

1.     More interested in correct form of the ceremony and ritual

a.     Religion and stubbornness are manifestations

b.     This is failure to conform with the truth

2.     Rebellion = is as sinful as witchcraft = Vs 23

a.     Stubbornness is sin

b.     Idolatry = images to worship – ward off evil spirits – bring luck – a rabbits foot

c.     Rejecting God’s Word


Introduction: “To be or not to be” Shakespeare.  That is all I know. To be obedient or to be disobedient is our own personal choice.  Most of the time we can justify our own disobedience and think it is all right with God.  Examine your action with the Word of God, not what you think or what someone else does or says.   






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