Three Facets of Faith

Hebrews 11:1-3


Introduction:  The word facet means many sides, as the cut of a precious stone.  These three are no means all the ways our faith will work.  When we work these three much can and will be accomplished.


II. The VOICE of Faith – Rom 8:1-4

A.   The biggest deterrent to our faith is our mouth.

1.     Look at what Proverbs has to say:

a.     Proverbs 10:20-21, 31-32

1.     Our words are like silver, or they are of little worth

2.     Proper words, spoken with wisdom brings righteousness

3.     The wicked speak what is corrupt

b.     Proverbs 18:4-8, 21

1.     Vs 4 – Life giving water, refreshing as a bubbling spring

2.     Vs 7 – The mouth of fools are their ruin, their lips get them in trouble – “snare of the soul”

3.     Vs 8 – Rumors, like gossip, sink deep inside

4.     Vs 21 – “Those who love to talk will experience the consequences, for the tongue can kill or nourish life.” [NLT]

B.    The New Testament – Matthew 12:33-37

1.     Coming a day our words will be judged

2.     Vs 35 – Good words from a good person

a.     An evil person produces evil words

3.     Vs 36 – We will have to give account of judgment day of our words, good or bad. [Heaven or hell]

C.    Ephesians 4:29

1.     Watch what we say – no corrupt words, no foul or abusive language

a.     Let our words be constructive, good, helpful encouragement to others.

2.     Colossians 4:6

a.     “Let your conservation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone.”  [NLT]

b.     “Seasoned with salt”, flavorful, preserved

3.     All our words, our voice need be the “Voice of Faith”


II. The Force of Faith – Hebrews 11:1-3

  A. Faith – It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen.

1.     Faith Abraham had – Speaking, “ those things that be not as though they were”

2.     Vs 3 – God, by faith spoke the world, the universe into existence.

a.     God didn’t say, ‘I hope this works’, or ‘I don’t know” or ‘I better ask a dozen angles if it is OK’ or the opinion of the others.

3.     Now faith is the Substance – Vs3

a.     God used substance to form the world

b.     When He spoke, His words were obeyed

1.     Let there be light

2.     Let there be Heaven

3.     Let there be dry land

4.     Let there be grass

5.     Let there be light

6.     Let us make Man

7.     God rested on the seventh day

III. The Word of Faith – Hebrews 11:1-3

  A. It is with our Words we operate our Faith

1.     What we put into our ‘spirit’ is what comes out

a.     Faith words or fear and doubt words

2.     Jesus with Words:

a.     Raised the dead

b.     Healed the sick

c.     Stilled the storm

3.     John 12:47-48

a.     We are to hear and react to His words and be judged on the Day of Judgment

b.     Jesus words lead to eternal life

  B. Faith – is the substance - Hebrews 11:3

1.     Substance – The foundation, assurance, title deed, and guarantee of things hoped for

2.     Evidence – Means conviction – “ Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”

3.     Faith is being described as an act of the Mind and Heart

a.     When our heart and mind believes something

b.     We have the assurance and conviction that it is true

4.     All this says:

a.     Substance – Faith is the actual possession of things hoped for

b.     The evidence and reality of things not seen

D.   Our faith words

1.     Do we believe what we say?

2.     Do we have confidence in our words?

3.     Is there life in your words or is there death?


IV. Last thought on our words – Isaiah 57:19

  A. Notice the effect of Praise

1.     There is peace, healing in praise

2.     Hebrews 13:15

3.     Notice the results of Praise

a.     Thanksgiving

b.     Restoration

c.     Peace like a river


Conclusion: Faith words put into action will produce fruit.  The voice, the force, and the word are what produce results.  Our obligation is to work these elements into our speech and not allow the enemy to garble our mind with junk.  Our words are to be Christ Words, coming out of our spirit by His Spirit.


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