
Romans 8:14


Introduction: As Sons of God, we are to continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God


I.                    We are = Romans 8:14

A.     The Sons of God, the Family of God

1.      The New Birth has made us ‘alive unto God

2.      We are ordained priest of God

3.      John 15:16,  1Peter 2:9

4.      “Spiritual worship is the Spirit of God worshipping through our redeemed, renewed spirit.”

B.     We are whole, complete, in Christ

1.      Colossians 2:10 = qualified to worship

2.      Note: James 3:9-11 = cannot curse man and praise God at the same time

C.     Cleansed =

1.      1Corinthians 6:11

2.      Ephesians 5:26

3.      Titus 3:5

II. Ingredients of Praise 

A.     Physical expressions

1.      A physical enactment and demonstration of spiritual perceptions

2.      Praise and worship is initially an inner response of the heart to a revelation of God and His presence

3.      True praise must be manifested

B.     Audible sound

1.      Only possible exception is BARAK  - to kneel

2.      We may kneel and sing or shout unto God

C.     Physical action

1.      Praise demands active physical participation

2.      Praise cannot be silent and inactive

3.      Praise is something we do

D.     Emotional release

1.      Very important = Praising God is NOT an emotional exercise = it is a SPIRITUAL ACTIVITY!

2.      Many Christians are frightened of emotional expressions = Psalms 103:1

3.      Praising God is the healthiest way to release your emotions

4.      It is the God ordained way


III. New Testament Examples

1.      Ephesians 5:19

2.      Colossians 3:16

3.      Philippians 2:10

4.      Acts 3:8

5.      Acts 14:10

6.      AGALLIAO = To leap for joy

a.       An expression of tremendous joy

b.      Luke 6:23

c.       Acts 16:34

d.      1Peter 4:13

7.      Last, but not the least

  a. Hebrews 13:15

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