The Two Resurrections

John 5:28-29

Philippians 3:7-11


I.                  Two resurrections – the saved and the lost

A.     All people = saved and un-saved will rise at death

1.      The first leads to Life

2.      The second to spiritual death

3.      John 5:28-29, Revelations 20:6

B.     The first resurrection

1.      Those who repent and accept Jesus

a.       Called the “first fruits” = the first gathering of the harvest

b.      Exodus 23:16-19

c.       New Testament – “The First Fruits” of them that slept

d.      1 Corinthians 15:20

e.       The ‘raptured’ believers are the “first fruits” of the first resurrection of life = John 5:29

2.      The first resurrection has several stages

a.       Some Old Testament saints participated in this first stage two thousand years ago.

b.      They were called from their graves when Christ arose

c.       Matthew 27:52-53

3.      Included in the first resurrection is the “rapture”

a.       1 Thessalonians 4:14-17

4.      Included is a group of Gentile and Jewish “tribulation saints” that will be resurrected when Christ returns at Armageddon.

a.       Revelations 6:9-11

5.      Whether an Old Testament saint, a church age believer, or a tribulation convert = =

a.       Those who participate in this first resurrection will be blessed and be “priest of God and of Christ” and shall reign with Him a thousand years.   Revelation 20:6


II.               The Second Resurrection Involves Those Who Reject Christ

A.     They refuse God’s pardon and die in their sins

1.      There will be a thousand year interval between resurrection to life and the final resurrection of the wicked dead to spiritual death in hell.

2.      The wicked will rise in that last day to stand in their resurrected bodies before God’s great white throne judgment.

a.       Revelation 20:11-13

b.      These will face the tragic second death for eternity = Vs 14

3.      Regardless of where the wicked die = Vs 13

a.       From the sea, from ashes, from the dust

b.      All will be gathered from Hades – a place of torment

c.       They will be judged after the millennium

d.      Even then Hades will be cast into the ‘lake of fire’

e.       These are those who have rejected God’s mercy and received that resurrected body and soul and cast into everlasting punishment.

1.      Matthew 25:46 = in Hell forever


III.           Our Resurrected Bodies

A.     Our clearest indication of our resurrected bodies is Jesus.

1.      Jesus wasn’t an eerie spirit as some thought.

a.       Luke 24:36-43

b.      Jesus proved the reality of our future body

2.      Jesus appeared on many occasions after He arose

3.      Scripture promises that our resurrected body will be like His body = Philippians 3:21

B.     When Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to His disciples:

1.      His resurrected body was similar too, yet different

2.      Still had flesh and bone

3.      Hands and feet carried the scars from the cross

a.       Luke 24:39

4.      Jesus invited Thomas to put his finger in the wound marks

a.       John 20:27

5.      Jesus ate and drank with the disciples

a.       John 21:12-14

6.      There was an indefinable quality about Christ’ resurrected body

a.       Mary and the disciples failed to recognize Him at first


C.     As Jesus’ body was changed, so shall ours be

1.      We will have a body like His, flesh and bone

2.      Incorruptible, never wear out, die or decay, nor  ever age

3.       Never experience pain or sickness or disease

4.      Our resurrected bodies will be able to transcend space and time

a.       Jesus was able to enter locked doors and then disappear

b.      From place to place quickly – speed of thought

1.      Mark 16:11-12


IV.            Our Resurrected Mind

A.     Just as our body is changed so will our mind

1.      Our emotions and personalities will be affected

a.       Note: Jesus still loved and cared for His disciples

2.      We will still have the love and care for our family, friends, ect.

3.      We will experience a rich emotional life full of joy, peace, love and thanksgiving

4.      Marriage will not exist in heaven

a.       Matthew 22:30

b.      We are all married to Jesus

c.       Note: The spiritual essence of a pure, holy love, will find its highest expressions in an eternal cherishing of our loved ones

d.      We are all family, not this or that little group

B.     Many assume that once we obtain our resurrected body and enter heaven:

1.      We become bland, neutral saints

a.       Bland = Mild and soothing, tasteless, dull

2.      Not having any distinctive features and personalities

a.       Like robots, zombies

3.      NOT SO! = A supernatural change does occur

4.      We manifest that perfected character we are striving for today

5.      Christ will remove all sin from our lives

6.      We will still have those characteristics that made us unique as individuals

7.      The diversity of personalities will provide great joys of our future life

8.      This will make us recognizable to one another

a.       Matthew 17:2-4

C.     Negative thoughts some have

1.      Mentioned before = bland, not having any joy, ect..

2.      Not be able to enjoy the activities one enjoyed on earth

3.      Lose all knowledge and awareness of earthly relationships


1.      Heaven is a place we will enjoy

2.      Our talents will flourish

3.      We will know and understand the vast secrets of the universe

4.      We will satisfy our curiosity about creation – history – science

5.      We will know and understand how and why certain things happened as they did

6.      Our barriers of time and space will no longer limit us

7.      We shall use all the facilities and gifts our Creator has given us

a.       We use only one tenth of one percent now

b.      We will use 100% in our resurrected body

c.       Now == How short are we?



Conclusion: ARE YOU READY FOR THAT RESURRECTED BODY?  If not, now is the time to confess your sins and receive Jesus as Lord.     

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