Proof of Deliverance

1 John 3: 1-9 [6-7]


Introduction:  Last week was the process of deliverance through Jesus Christ our Lord.  That deliverance brought us into the Kingdom of God and made us a Child of God.  Being delivered and set free and cleansed by the precious Blood of Jesus is the greatest experience a person can ever have.


I.                   Sin, Deliverance, Righteousness, Believer, Duty = Vs 6-7

A.     These five words prove there is deliverance

1.      A person ABIDES in Christ IF he has turned from sin

2.      When we accept Jesus as Savior from our sins

a.       We begin to abide in Him

b.      ABIDE – means to dwell, continue, stay, sojourn, and rest in Christ

c.       It means to live and move and have our being in Christ

d.      We begin to live and dwell in Christ

e.       All that He is and all that He taught = Ephesians 2:19-22

B.     Note three points

1.      Point one:  If we abide in Christ, we do not continue in sin

a.       If our confession is right

b.      We love Him because He died for us

c.       Jesus paid a tremendous price to take away our sins

1.      That is why we should want to please Him

d.      We must turn away from sin and begin abiding in Christ

e.       Our desire is NOT to walk in sin

1.      Turn away from sin

2.      To break the habits of sin

f.        We are to do all this for Him because –

1.      Our hearts and lives belong to Him

2.      He was the one who loved us and gave Himself for us

Thought: This is the proof of whether or not we love God.  Have we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior from sin?  Are we abiding, living, moving and having our being in Him, in all that He is and in all that He taught?  Have we turned away from sin, from practicing and living in sin?

2.       Point two:  If we sin, then we have not seen Christ

a.       This does not mean we have to be perfect to be saved from sin

b.      This means – if we continue in sin, go on sinning

c.       Then we do not really know Christ

d.      A true believer is still short of God’s glory

1.      He still sins

2.      He is still in human flesh

3.      Therefore he cannot keep from sinning

4.      But, not all the time, not perfectly

e.       Sin is not the dominate force of one’s life

1.      He doesn’t keep his mind on the comforts and pleasures and possessions of life

2.      His focus is on Jesus Christ and His mission of righteousness and salvation

f.        He gives himself, all he is and has, to reach people for Christ

1.      To minister to the needs of the world

2.      He works and labors and then keeps on working

3.      To spread His love and righteousness everywhere

g.       Note:  One’s focus must not be on the world and its pleasures

1.      That person has not seen Christ, if he continues in sin, nor does he know Him

h.       When a person truly sees Jesus Christ

1.      He begins to turn away from sin and follows Jesus

2.      He abides in Christ

3.      He lives and moves and has his being in Christ

3.      Third point:  One can be deceived about the matter of sin and righteousness

a.       Many think they are saved and acceptable to God because

            1. Professed Christ       5. Fellowship with Christians

2. Been baptized           6. Read the Bible

3. Joined the church      7. Preyed

4. Attended church

b.      They think that if they do these things, they can live like they want

1.      Still enjoy the sins of the world

2.      Still live in sin and expect God to accept them as righteous

3.      Vs 7 – “Let no man deceive you”

c.       The ONLY person who is acceptable to God is the person who lives righteously

d.      One who follows after the righteousness of Jesus Christ

e.       The demand of Christ Jesus are very clear

1.      Luke 9:23 = [on Sunday only?]

Thought:  Any person who follows Jesus Christ has to deny himself.  He has to give all he is and has to live righteously.  And righteous living does not just mean pure and clean lives.  It means treating other people righteously.  It means reaching out and helping all people, giving all we are and have to help them.  It means not being unjust by hording and keeping more than we need.  It means giving and living sacrificial to help those who are dying because they lack the bare necessities of life.  It means sacrificing all in order to carry forth the glorious message of salvation from sin, and the judgment to come.


Conclusion: Right or wrong, good or bad, abide or not, all these weigh heavy on our relationship with God.  God knows we cannot be perfect, walk in complete holiness and righteousness.  He also knows how serious we are toward His Son Jesus.  Do we really serve Him, or is it just a lot of mouth service?  God knows and there will be a day of judgment.


Scripture references:  Matthew 5:20, Romans 10:3-4,  Philippians 1:9-11,                                  1 Timothy 6:9-12,  Titus 2:11-14,  2 Peter 3:11-12,  2 John 9




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