Conquest of Christ

1 John 3:1-9 [8]


Introduction:  Look back at the last messages; they all have been dealing with sin or how to be delivered from sin.  Jesus Christ is our great Deliverer.  The greatest victory was Christ’s victory and conquest over Satan.


I.                   Satan, Jesus Christ, Work of:

A.     There is the great conquest of Christ in deliverance

1.      Note two significant points –

B.     Point one:  The person who sins is of the devil

1.      A very shocking statement to some people

2.      Jesus Christ put it even more clearly

3.      John 8:44

C.     What does this mean?

1.      Words “from the beginning”

2.      Means Satan was the first person to ever sin

a.       He began sin

3.      He was the first person who ever rebelled against God

a.       He was the first to disobey God

4.      Therefore – every person who sins is akin to Satan

a.       He is following after Satan

b.      He is walking in his footsteps

c.       Morally and spiritually he is the offspring, the child of Satan


II.                One Thing for Sure, He is not God

A.     God is not the father of sin and evil and corruption and death

1.      The devil is the father of such things

B.     Therefore – when we sin –

1.      We are not following the Father of love and righteousness

2.      We are following after the father of sin and death

3.      Our behavior is not of God

4.      It is of the devil

C.     It is by sin we become –

1.      Followers of the devil

2.      Children of the devil

3.      Servants of the devil


III.             It is by Sin We Have Separated Ourselves From God

A.     It is sin that causes us to die and that is going to bring judgment upon us.

1.      It is sin that causes the righteousness and justice of God to fall on us

2.      It will separate the sinner from God for eternity

B.     This is why God hates sin so much

1.      God created man to live with Him

2.      Sin cut man off from God

3.      Caused man to be doomed forever

C.     Glory! – But this is the glorious Gospel

1.      God is perfect LOVE

2.      He is the Sovereign Majesty

3.      The Perfect Intelligence and Power of the universe

D.     Therefore – God knows what to do with sin

1.      God knows how to save man

2.  He is able to save man

3.      God knows how to destroy the works of the devil

IV.              This was the Purpose of Jesus Christ Coming to Earth

A.     Point two: He came to destroy the works of the devil

1.      The works of the devil are destroyed by the death of Jesus Christ

2.      Satan’s rule, power, and reign over our lives is now destroyed

3.      All done by the POWER of the DEATH OF JESUS

B.     Satan’s power “to charge men with sin” is now CAST OUT

1.      Men now have the power to escape the penalty of sin

2.      Christ took the sins of man upon Himself

3.      He paid the penalty for their sins

4.      He died for the sins of the world

5.      1 Peter 2:24,  Romans 8:33-34

C.     Satan’s power “to cause death” is now CAST OUT

1.      Men no longer have to die

2.      Christ died for man

3.      Jesus became man’s substitute in death

4.      Hebrews 2:14-15

D.     Satan’s power “to cause men to be separated from God” is now CAST OUT

1.      Men now no longer have to go to hell

2.      Men can now live forever with God

3.      1 Peter 3:18-20,   Romans 8:11

E.      Satan’s power “to enslave men with habits of sin and shame” is now CAST OUT

1.      By His death, Christ made it possible to be free from sin

2.      The believer, cleansed by the Blood of Christ Jesus

a.       Becomes a Holy Temple unto God

b.      A temple fit for the presence and power of God’s Spirit

c.       Man can now conquer the enslaving habits of sin, by the power of God’s Spirit

                                 3. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20,   1 John 4:4


Conclusion: Because Jesus was victorious over Satan, which makes it possible for us to walk in victory also. We don’t have to be slaves to sin, Jesus paid the supreme price for our salvation, deliverance, and healing. Now we can walk in victory with Jesus.




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