The New Birth

1 John 3:1-9


Introduction:  Bringing to a close these messages on God’s love for us and His hate for sin.  We have had our hearts examined inside out.  We spoke about a test, here it is.  This final verse determines whether we pass or not.  This test has only one of two answers.  Only you and God can truthfully answer the question.


I. New Birth -  Sin, Deliverance 

A.     There is the results of deliverance

1.      The believer is free from living in and practicing sin

B.     “To sin” --- is in the present tense – now

1.      To sin means to continue in sin

2.      To constantly sin

3.      To practice sin

4.      To habitually sin

5.      To live in sin

C.     This needs to be clearly understood

1.      Scripture is not saying a person reaches ‘sinless perfection’

2.      No person can achieve the perfection of God and His Glory

3.      By nature, man is short of God’s Glory and His Perfection

D.     A big question asked, “he cannot go on sinning”, “he cannot sin” Vs 9

1. The Amplified Bible has the correct idea

a.       Verse 9 from the AMP.

b.      “No one born [begotten] of God [deliberately and knowingly] habitually practices sin, For God’s nature abides in him – His principle of life, the divine sperm .remains permanently within him – and he cannot practice sinning because he is born [begotten[ of God.”

II. Divine Seed or Nature of God 

A.     When this seed and nature of God has been implanted within the believer

1.      The true believer cannot go on living in sin

a.       He cannot continue and continue in sin

b.      He cannot practice sin habitually

2.      The Divine Nature of God will pester and provoke

a.       God’s Nature will convict to a point he can’t stand it

b.      If he continues in sin, evidence is he was never saved

B.     The genuine believer loves God because:

1.      For what God has done for him in Christ Jesus

2.      God has loved man in the most supreme way

3.      God gave up His Son to die for man

4.      Therefore the believer loves God –

a.       Loves Him with all his heart

b.      He wants to please God

5.      This is what keeps believers away from sin


III. Joseph, a Good Old Testament Example – Genesis 39

A.     Remember when Potipher’s wife tempted him

1.      Genesis 39:2-3 – Josephs’ position in Potipher’s house

a.       He was ruler, overseer, over all of Potipher’s house

b.      Vs 4-5 – all Potipher knew was the bread on his table

2.      Temptation came – Vs 7-8

a.       Each day she tempted Joseph

b.      The refusal – Vs 8

c.       A powerful statement made = Vs 9

d.      The beginning of the lie that led to prison – Vs 12

3.      Joseph had favor with God – Vs 21-23

a.       His faith and trust in God led him to the top

b.      He was elevated to ruler next to Pharaoh

c.       Remember – God is a rewarder – Hebrews 11:6


IV. What Frees the Believer From Sin –?

A.     That is being born again

1.      Possessing God’s seed within him

B.     The Question? – What is the Seed of God?

1.      It is the Seed of the New Birth

a.       John 3:3-5

2.      It is the Seed of the New Creation

a.       2 Corinthians 5:17

3.      It is the Seed of the New Man

a.       Ephesians 4:22-24,  Colossians 3:9-11

4.      It is the Seed of the Divine Nature

a.       2 Peter 1:4

5.      It is the Incorruptible Seed of God’s Word

a.       1 Peter 1:22-23

C.     To say it another way –

1.      The Seed within the believer is the Holy Spirit

a.       The very Spirit of God Himself

2.      It is He who helps the believer to conquer:

a.       SIN

b.      To keep from sinning

3.      It is the Spirit of God who stirs the believer to - -

a.       Love and focus upon Christ

b.      Keep our thoughts off the world and its pleasure

c.       The Spirit of God stirs the believer not to sin

d.      1 John 1:6-10,  2 Peter 3:11


Conclusion: The question is, are you born again, saved?  Is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, residing in your heart?  Do you desire to serve Him, love Him, with all your heart?  If your answer is YES, then rejoice!  If not, or there is any doubt, come let us reason together and settle it once for all. Be completely, wholly, eternally saved, NOW!



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