The New Life

Colossians 3:1-4


Introduction: Today is the first in a series of the New Life in Christ Jesus.  Yes, most of you have been saved for many years, but it is always good to take a refresher course in the basics.  Sometimes it is important to examine our roots and our priorities. 


I.    A Brief Outline = Vs 1-4

              A.    This is a passage that believers often turn to when: Seeking a deeper and more committed walk with the Lord

1.      Examining the very basic of the believers life – the roots

           B.     These four verses –

1.      The believers New Life is a life that is risen with Christ – Vs 1

2.      Setting our affections on the right things – Vs 2

3.      Being dead to the world – Vs 3

4.      When Jesus comes, we go – Vs 4

              C.    The believers New Life is a life that seeks things above

1.      In heaven where Christ is – Vs 2-4


II. Identification with Christ – Vs 1

             A.    The believer is resurrected with Christ to a New Life  

     1.      The believer’s life is a life that is risen with Christ

     a. The reason is:

             B.     God loves His Son, Jesus Christ

     1.      Loves Him with an eternal and perfect love

     2.      Therefore, when a person believes, really surrenders his life to Christ

a.       God forgives the persons sins

b.      Then God accepts him “In Christ”

c.       God actually “identifies the person” with Christ

d.      One becomes identified with Christ in His death and resurrection

     3.      God then begins to “consider the person”

a.       As one who has died and risen with Christ

            C.     We were not there when Christ died and arose

     1.      God considers the believer to have been there

a.       God reckons, credits, and counts it so

            D.     Remember – God does this for us because - -

     1.      He loves His Son, Jesus Christ so much

     2.      He loves Him so that when we believe Christ - -

a.       God does exactly what we believe

     3.      God does this because our belief - -

a.       Focuses upon and honors Jesus Christ

     4.      Because it honors God’s Son –

a.       God counts our belief as the real thing

b.      He counts us as having actually died and risen with Christ


III. This Means the Most Wonderful Thing – Vs 2-4

             A.     It means we are in union with Christ

     1.      We are now identified with Christ

     2.      Our faith “In Christ” has placed us “In Christ”

            B.     Therefore - - whatever Christ experienced, we experience

     1.      When He arose from the dead - - -

     2.      We arose from the dead [speaking of the believer]

            C.     His resurrection means - - -

     1.      That we have risen with Him - -justified – sanctified

     2.      That we have conquered death – be glorified

     3.      That we are raised to a New Life – seeking things above

     4.      That our old life in this sinful world is over

a.       The old life no longer has a claim upon us

b.      We are raised to a “Newness of Life!

c.       Making heaven our scope and aim

     5.      That we are walking in a “Newness of Life”

a.       Living a life that is dead to sin

b.      A life that is alive to God

c.       Alive to righteousness and holiness

     6.      Scriptures to study - - -

a.       Rome 8:11

b.      Ephesians 2:1-7

c.       Colossians 2:13-15, 3:1


Conclusion: The New Life in Christ Jesus!  Our eyes are set on heaven.  The old way of life has been washed away by the Blood of Jesus.  We are now walking in a path, one that leads to eternal life with God.  Heaven is going to be our new home.


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