Walking in the New Life

Colossians 3:1-4


Introduction:  Now we will look at each verse and see really what Paul is saying to the Church.  Remember, as born again believers, we are the Church.  These verses are not just some words Paul wrote, but a command to walk upright before God and keep our daily priorities straight.


I.     The New Life – Vs 1-4

A.   The believers New Life is a life that seeks things above

1.     That is, the things that are in heaven where Christ is.

B.   Note three [3] significant things – [the first one today]

1.     One:  The meaning of the charge “Seek those things which are above”

2.     The meaning is clearly and pointedly explained in two statements.

a.      First – “Seek those things above, where Christ is on the right hand of God”

1.     That is, seek heavenly things, the things of heaven

b.     Second – Set your affections - - -

1.     Your mind on things above, not on earthly things

2.     The word “affection” means ‘mind’

3.     To set and focus your mind constantly upon heavenly things, not earthly

3.     The things of Christ and of heaven are to consume the believer’s life and mind.

a.      The believer must keep his mind upon things of Christ

b.     He must know what those things are - -

4.     The big question is - -What are the “things of Christ” and the “things of heaven”?

a.      These things which are to consume our thoughts

b.     List of Scriptures that explains –

c.     Romans 8:5-6, Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Ephesians 4:22-24


II.   The Resurrection of Christ – Vs 1

A.   It tells us what things of Christ and of heaven are

1.     It is the resurrection of Christ that allows us to be risen with Christ”

B.   Remember:  We actually take part and participate in the resurrection of Christ.

1.     This is a “positional relationship” to God

2.     When we accept Christ, God places us ‘In Christ’ positionaly.

a.      God begins to see us “In Christ”

b.     Sees us already seated in the heavenlies and perfected forever

c.     This glorious position God has given us - - - -

1.   Makes us want to seek Christ and the things of heaven

C.   The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ has done at least seven [7] wonderful things for us.

1.    These seven things should consume our thoughts of our mind.  The praise and prayers of our lips.

D.   Here today are three [3] of the seven wonderful things.

1.     ONE:  The resurrection of Christ shows and guarantees

a.      That Christ is the Son of God

b.     That our thoughts should focus on that glorious fact

c.     That God sent His Son into the world to save us

d.     Romans 1:3-4

2.     Jesus Christ claimed He was the Son of God

a.      That He possessed God’s own nature

b.     That He was One with the Father

1.     John 10:30-33

c.     Jesus claimed time and again that God was His Father

1.     John 5:17-18,  6:37-40, 44,  8:25-29, 42, 56-58

d.     When God raised Jesus Christ from the dead - -

1.     He set His seal to Christ’ claim [what had been said]

2.     By the resurrection God declares that Jesus Christ is His own Son

III. The Resurrection Saves and Justifies Us

A. The truth of Salvation and Justification

1.     TWO:  These must consume our thoughts and praise all day

a.      Romans 4:25

B.  THREE:  The resurrection of Christ gives us and raises us up to a New Life

1.     A New Life is abundant and eternal

2.     It is the only way we can keep from walking in the flesh

a.      Romans 6:4-13

b.     2 Corinthians 10:3-5

c.     Our text – Colossians 3:1-4


Conclusions: the next four, next week.  Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  We do not have to doubt it as the Jews did then and some still do.  We must better understand what the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus means to the believer.  When we die to the world, Jesus becomes the Lord of our lives; we are resurrected into the Family of God, heirs and joint heirs with Jesus.  Glory


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