Walking in the Resurrected Life

Colossians 3:1-4


Introduction: We are continuing in Walking in the New Life with Christ Jesus.  Now we will begin to examine more fully what walking in the Resurrected Life means.  Just to review briefly the first three of the seven points on walking the New Life.


One:  Seeking the things above – that is keeping our minds and heart focused on heaven.

Two: The resurrection of Jesus Christ assures us that Jesus is the Son of God

Three: The resurrection of Jesus gives us and raises us to a New Life


I. The Resurrection of Christ

A.     Four:  It gives us power to live victoriously –

1.      Over the sins and trials of this world

2.      Power to bare the fruit of God’s Spirit as we walk through this world

B.     Some Scriptures to live by - -

1.      Romans 7:4, 8:11-13

2.      Galatians 5:22-23

3.      Ephesians 1:19-20

4.      Philippians 2:8-9, 12-13

5.      Colossians 1:10-11

C.     Think on this - -

1.      Living a “Life of Power” bearing the “Fruit of God’s Spirit”

a.       Just as we walk day by day

b.      Conquering the sins and walking through trials victoriously

2.      It is through our union with Christ - -

a.       That we receive the power

b.      Able to walk triumphantly day by day

c.       John 15:1-5


II. The Resurrection Gives us a Living Hope

A.     Five:  It is the Hope of Glory

1.      Again our minds and praise should upon the Glory of Heaven

  a. This will be ours when God takes us home or Jesus returns

1.    1 Peter 1:3-4

2.    Romans 8:11, 18

3.    1 Peter 1:21



III. The Resurrection Guarantees Our Resurrection - -

A.     Six:  Our thoughts and praise should center upon the wonderful praise of  - -

1.      The New and Glorious body God has promised us

a.       Romans 6:5

b.      2 Corinthians 4:14

c.       1 Thessalonians 4:14-18


IV.  The Resurrection Assures

   A. Seven -  That God will judge the world by Christ Jesus

1.      Our minds and prayers should be focused on:

Evangelism – saving souls

Rescuing them from the terrible fact that judgment is coming

1.  Hebrews 10:26-27

      2. Every person will have to give account to Christ

a.   Those who have rejected Him

b.  Hebrews 10:28-30

     3. They will be eternally separated from Him - God

a.       Acts 17:31

b.      John 5:27-29

     4.Christ claimed that God had committed all judgment to Him

a.       That He is the One whom God appointed to judge the world

b.      God stamped His approval to what Christ said

c.       By His raising Him from the dead

d.      Christ Himself shall judge the world

e.       Be ready, judgment is coming

f.        The resurrection proves it


Conclusion: “It is appointed to man once to die- - -then comes the judgment.”  The resurrection of Jesus Christ secured our right to heaven.  It opened the way for us to enter into our blessed hope, eternity with God.  Deliberate sin will close that door of heaven and open the door to eternal punishment.


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