We Are Hid With Christ

Colossians 3:1-4


Introduction:  Today we are “Hid With Christ”.  The resurrection secured so much for us.  It opened a way for a new life in Christ Jesus.  Now, because we are dead to this world, walking in the resurrected life here on earth, we become hid in God through Christ Jesus.


I.   The Believer is Dead – Vs 3a


A.    He is not actually dead, he still lives upon the earth

1.      But God counts the believer dead in the death of Christ

a.       When Christ died, the believer died

b.      Right along with “Christ in God’s mind”

2.      God counts it so - - -

a.       Whatever God counts so - - IT IS FACT

B.     Therefore - - the believer is actually dead in God’s mind

1.      This means a significant fact - - -

a.       A dead man cannot sin

b.      A dead man no longer lives for this earth

c.       He lives for the next world

C.    Since we are dead -- -

1.      We are to seek the things of Christ and of heaven


II.   The Believer is “Hid With Christ” – Vs 3b


A.    What does this mean to us?

1.      It means that God counts the believer HID in the Resurrection of Christ

a.       When Christ arose, it was not to His old life

b.      He dies to His old life once for all

2.      Therefore – when the believer is said to be “Hid
with Christ  - -

a.       It means that God counts the believer risen with Christ

b.      God counts the believer as risen to a NEW LIFE

c.       God see the believer “Hid With Christ” day by day

d.      God sees him walking “IN CHRIST”

3.      Because he, the believer, is “IN CHRIST”

a.       The believer set his mind on things above

b.      Upon things of Christ and of Heaven

c.       He sets his mind and life upon the things that please Christ


III.   When You Are “HID IN CHRIST”


A.    Christ is the only life that God sees as living

1.      Christ is your life in the eyes of God

B.     You live and have your being IN CHRIST

1.      You just roam around in the “Life of Christ”

2.      You are hid in the “Life of Christ”

3.      You are not seen as living and moving, for you are “Hid in Christ”

4.      Christ is the only life  -- body that is seen by God

a.       This life is to be seen by the world

C.    Think how surrendered to Christ we are to be

1.      So given to Christ’s life is all that is seen

2.      We ask, how is this possible?

a.       By seeking those things which are above where Christ sits

b.      By setting our mind on things above, not on things of earth

c.       By casting down imaginations – 2Corinthians 10:3-4

D.    Try this for a week - - -

1.      In a normal, practical day of living - - -

a.       Turn the television off

b.      Set aside the newspaper, magazines, and books

c.       Get into the Word of God – read – study

d.      Meditate and pray through the Word

e.       Memorize and live out the Word

f.        Get alone and pray  - at least morning and evening

g.       Learn to silently whisper a prayer every few minutes

h.       Surrender your life totally to Christ

i.         Present your body as a living sacrifice to God

j.        To know, believe, and understand Him and to make Him known


3.      No way to know Him unless - - -

a.       We set our minds upon Him

b.      Now is the time to do it

c.       Get into our secret place of prayer

d.      Seek His face with a renewed commitment

1.  Our lives are “Hid With Christ  Vs 3

2.  We live, yet not us, But Christ lives –

     a. Galatians 2:20

3.  We are always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus

    might be made manifest in our flesh

a.   2 Corinthians 5:14-15

4.  For us to live is Christ, and to die is gain –

a.   Philippians 1:21

5.  We know this:  That we have passed from death unto life

a.   1 John 3:14


IV.   The Reward for Being Hid in Christ – Vs 4


A.    The reward is that of appearing with Christ in Glory

1.      Think – God sees us Hid With Christ

2.      Therefore – We are Risen With Christ

3.      Being Risen With Christ, we never have to die

4.      Christ already lives in the presence of God

5.      Since God sees us Hid With Christ –

6.      God sees us IN HIS PRESENCE

7.      God has already accepted us as being in His presence forever

8.      All because we are HID WITH CHRIST

B.     In a practical term – we are still on earth

1.      God has left us here to witness for Him

2.      When He gets ready to take us home, this is what happens –

a.       We confront death

b.      In the last second, the last moment - -

c.       Right before we are to leave this world for the next - -

d.      God shall fix our minds upon Jesus

1.      2 Timothy 4:18

e.       God gives us a “Fixation of Mind” – we never taste death

C.    When Christ returns –

1.      We shall appear with Him in Glory

2.      There is a New Heaven and a New Earth where we will reign in Glory with Him forever

a.       Matthew 13:43

b.      2 Corinthians 4:17-18

c.       Philippians 3:20-21

d.      2 Timothy 2:10

e.       1 Peter 5:1-4


Conclusion: Very brief in closing.  Are you Hid in Christ?  Are you ready to step from here to eternity with Jesus? 



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