Demands of the New Life

Colossians 3:5-7


Introduction:  This is a violent passage of scripture.  It attacks sin where it is, right where one lives.  We all need this passage.  It covers the violent demands of the believers New Life in Christ.  Two main points that will be covered – One – Put to death all sins that enslaves the body and it’s members.  Two – Strip off all the sins that enslave the emotions and the tongue.


I.                   Mortify the Body – Vs 5


A.    The first demand is violent – put to death the sins that enslave


1.      What the word “MORTIFY” means

a.       To put to death

b.      To act as though the body is dead


2.      The believer is to take the various parts of his body - -

a.       Put them to death where sin is concerned


3.      How does a believer do this - -?

a.       He considers his body “Hid in the Death of Christ”

b.      He acts as though his body is dead with Christ

c.       Remember a dead man can’t sin

d.      He cannot do anything

e.       Therefore the believer is dead to sin


B.     The point is this - -


1.      It is all an act of the mind or spirit


2.      When a person wants to live for God

a.       He looks at his body and at sin

b.      Must decide the only way to conquer sin is treat his body as dead with Christ

c.       He must live as though his body has no part in sin

d.      And that sin has no part of his body


3.      Note:  This life is possible in Christ

a.       Christ alone - - through the Holy Spirit

b.      The Holy Spirit works within the human heart

c.       The Holy Spirit gives energy and power to conquer sin



4.      Some overcome some sins

a.       But not all sin, permanently and eternally

b.      This can be done only through Christ

c.       The is much difference between human discipline and Godly control

d.      That difference is Jesus Christ


II.                What Sins are to be Mortified or put to Death – Vs 6


A.    The Bible is very specific about these - -


1.      There are several specific sins that enslave the body


B.     Note the term – “Children of Disobedience”


1.      Not only acts of disobedience to God, but tend to enslave the body


2.      Makes a “Child of Disobedience” out of a person


C.    What are the sins that enslave the human body so much?


1.      The sin of fornication - -

a.       A broad word including all forms of immoral and sexual acts

b.      It is pre-marital sex and adultery, it is abnormal sex, all kinds of sexual vice

c.       1 Corinthians 6:18,  Ephesians 5:3-4

2.      The sin of uncleanness - -

a.       Moral impurity, doing things that are dirty, that pollute and soils ones life

b.      Matthew 5:28-29,  Romans 1:24,  Romans 6:19  


3.      The sin of inordinate affections - -

a.       Passion, craving, strong desire, intense arousal, a driving lust

b.      It is a desire or craving for the wrong things such as - - -

1.      Over eating

2.      Alcohol and drugs

3.      Nudity – pornography

4.      Suggestive TV – filthy literature

5.      Illicit affaire – extra marital sex - - -

6.      Romans 1:26-27,  Galatians 5:16-17, 24,

2 Timothy 2:22


4.      Evil Concupiscence - -

a.       Evil desire – a yearning and aching for all kinds of evil

b.      These desires that are within a person that pulls him to desire evil

c.       The kind of evil that gives pleasure to the body and it’s members

d.      It is the kind which drives man to - -

1.      Look and look

2.      Feel and feel

3.      Touch and touch

4.      Listen and listen

5.      Seek and seek

e.       1 Thessalonians 4:3-6,  James 1:13-15,  1 Peter 2:11-12


                               5.      There is covetousness - -

a.       Craving, grasping, grabbing, desiring to have something

b.      It is desiring to have something when it is not needed

c.       It is desiring more than what we need and more than what we should have

d.      Covetousness is idolatry

1.      To look at something so much to covet

2.      One has made a god of it

3.      Something pursued with much energy and effort

4.      Exodus 20:17,  Jeremiah 6:13,  Ezekiel 33:31, 

Micah 2:2,  Habakkuk 2:9,  Luke 12:15,

1 Timothy 6:10


Conclusion: These are the sins that will destroy and condemn a person to hell.  These verses are giving us fair warning as to the consequences if we indulge in these sins.  Next week we will see two powerful reasons we must mortify the flesh


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