Putting to Death the Sins

Colossians 3:5-11

Introduction:  The sins that destroy have been presented; now what are we going to do with them?  Next, is another area we are to crucify, mortify?  Violent? Yes but it is so necessary if we are to be Hid With Christ.


I.                   Review the Sins Vs 5-6

A.    Here are the named sins we are to put death

1.      The sin of fornication

a.       Includes all forms of immoral and sexual sins

b.      It is pre-martial sex and adultery, abnormal sex, sexual vice

2.      The sin of uncleanness

a.       Moral impurity – doing things that are dirty, polluted

3.      The sin of inordinate affection

a.       Passion, craving, strong desires, a driving lust

b.      Alcohol, drugs, eating, prono, nudity, filth

4.      Evil concupiscence

a.       Evil desires, for all kinds of evil

b.      A desire that pulls one to sin and evil

5.      Covetousness

a.       A craving, grasping, grabbing, at things

b.      It is idolatry


II.                Two Strong Reasons to put to Death Sins Vs 6

A.    We must as Christians put to death sins that enslave the body

1.      It is the kind of sin that shall bring the wrath of God upon man

a.       Wrath – means anger, not the quick outburst

b.      Not one that rises up from emotions

2.      This anger comes from a thoughtful decision

a.       Comes from a mind because someone has done evil and hurtful things

b.      An anger that judges and condemns sin and evil

c.       Condemns violence and slaughter – immorality and injustice

3.      Matthew 3:7,  Romans 1:18,  2:5, 8-9,  Ephesians 5:6,          1Timothy 1:9-10

III.             Second Reason to put to Death Sin

A.    These are sins that were common to our old life

1.      We used to walk and live in such sins - - NOT NOW

B.     What is the difference – CHRIST

1.      We are Hid in Christ

2.      He saved us from sins that bring down the wrath of God

3.      To turn back to the old life would to deny Christ

4.      This we do not do because- - -

a.       It breaks the heart of God when one abuses His Son Jesus by rejecting His death and resurrection.

b.      By doing this, one brings down the wrath of God upon himself

5.      Ephesians 2:1-2,  Philippians 3:17-21,  1 Peter 4:3-5,  Jude 17-21


Conclusion:  We have seen with our eyes and heard with our ears what displeases God and brings down His wrath.  As we have seen and heard; doesn’t this cause fear and trembling?  The question is, how many of these sins are just taken for granted today?  If one feels like it, do it.  

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