Strip Off Sins

Colossians 3:8-11


Introduction: The second demand is also violent.  The first was to mortify, to kill the flesh and it’s evil desires.  We are to put down the sins that enslave the body and brings down the wrath of God.  The second is for us to strip off these six sins that enslave the mind.


I.                   Strip Off Sin - - Vs 8

A.    These are the sin that enslave the emotions and tongue

1.      The picture is that of putting off or stripping off clothes

B.     There are six sins that are to be stripped off

1.      Note: All six have to do with either deep-seated emotions or else the tongue.

2.      They are reactions and feelings against another person

[Ministers are to be very careful – attitude]

C.    Here are the six sins = anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication, lying

1.      One: There is the sin of ANGER – Ephesians 4:26-27

a.       The believer is to strip off the garment of anger

b.      Anger causes one to react, lash out, hurt others

2.      There is wrong anger – unjustified or selfish anger

a.       It broods, is selfish, harbors malice, will not forget, it lingers, it wills revenge and seeks revenge

b.      It despises, it scorns, it comes from pride, a proud wrath, wanting to trample other people

c.       Anger that curses, seeks to destroy a man and his reputation

3.      A right ANGER - - called justified anger

a.       The believer must be an angry person

b.      Angry with those who sin and do wrong

c.       Those who are unjust and selfish in their behavior

d.      Justified anger is always disciplined and controlled

e.       One must be angry for a legitimate reason and seek to correct in a peaceful way

f.        Romans 12:18, John 2:12-16, Ephesians 6:26, James 1:19, 1John 3:15, Proverbs 14:17, 16:32, Ecclesiastes 7:9

D.    Two: The sin of WRATH

1.      Burst of anger, indignation, a violent, explosive temper, explosive reactions arise from stirred and boiling emotions

2.      Not an anger that last

a.       Galatians 5:19-21, James 1:19-20, Proverbs 29:22

E.     Three:  There is the sin of MALICE

1.      Deep seated feelings against a person

2.      Hatred that last on and on

3.      Intense and long lasting bitterness against a person

a.       1 Corinthians 5:8, 14:20, Ephesians 4:31, 1 Peter 2:1

F.     Four:  There is the sin of BLASPHEMY

1.      Speech that slanders, insults, hurts, injures and show contempt

2.      It is railing at someone

a.       Acts 13:45, 18:6, 1 Timothy 1:20, James 2:6-7, Revelation 13:1, 16:11


1.      To be foul mouthed and vulgar – cursing

2.      One must be clean mouthed, follow God, be pure in speech and conservation

3.      Keep his mouth and tongue clean

a.       Ephesians 5:4

                F. Six: The sin of LYING

1.      One is to strip off the garment of lying

2.      A lie does at least three things:

a.       Misrepresents the truth – camouflages and hides the truth

b.      Lying deceives a person, leads astray

c.       Lying builds wrong relationships, one built on sinking sand

d.      Controls ones tongue – lies are spoken


II.                Three Strong Reasons to Strip Off

A.    To strip off the sins of the emotions and tongue

1.      We have to ‘Put off the OLD MAN -- Ephesians 4:22

a.       What one was before one accepts Christ

b.      It is the very nature of man, natural, the corrupt seed, the nature of Adam

2.      The believers OLD MAN has already been put to death

a.       Romans 6:6

3.      The deeds of the OLD MAN have been ‘put off’ from the believer

a.       Colossians 3:9

                                 4. The believer himself is exhorted to “Put off the Old Man”

a.   To exercise his will in putting off the OLD MAN

b.      Romans 6:11, Ephesians 4:22

B.     We have to ‘put on the NEW MAN’

a.       A renewed mind is a must – regenerated, renewed, born again

b.      A NEW MAN created in Christ

c.       He has been given a Holy Nature, and incorruptible life

d.      It is a man who is - - -

1.      In fellowship with God

2.      Obedient to God’s will

3.      Devoted to God’s service




III.               The Scriptures Covers All Things That Could Cause Hurt – Vs 11

A.    The Word erases, eliminates all reason for hurt or division

1.      Race or birth – Greek or Jew

2.      Religion or ritual – Circumcision or un-circumcision

3.      Education and culture – Barbarian or Scythian

4.      Social class and wealth and property – Bond or free

a.       Romans 12:5, 1 Corinthians 10:17, Galatians 3:28, Ephesians 4:13


Conclusion: When our tongue is tamed as James says, a multitude of sins are stripped off.  Our emotions and feelings are subdued, and then we can begin to see others through the eyes of Christ. The New Man alive, the Old Man dead.  Our goal and main objective is to please Jesus and serve God with all our heart.


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