The Elect of God

Colossians 3:12-14


Introduction:  This begins another series of messages.  At first it was to mortify or kill the body, then strip off all the sins that were hindering ones spiritual growth and walk with the Lord.  Now God is telling us to “PUT ON” as the elect and beloved of God the proper garments for the believer.


I.                   Christ, the New Life – Vs 12

A.    When a person accepts Christ Jesus he has a “New Life”

1.      He was told to strip off the clothing of the ‘Old Life’

2.      The garments of the ‘Old Life’ are unbecoming to his ‘New Life’

B.     Here are some of the garments that the believer is to put on - -

1.      Colossians 3:12-14  [eight of them]


II.                The Clothing of the Elect

A.    Believers are the Elect of God – Vs 12a

1.      Chosen by God to be His holy and beloved people

a.       Believers have been chosen to be HOLY – separated or set apart

b.      Called out away from the OLD LIFE of sin and death

2.       Called to be separated and set apart unto God and a NEW LIFE

a.       A NEW LIFE of righteousness and eternity

B.     Believers have been elected to be “The Beloved of God”

1.      God called believers to turn away from the OLD LIFE

a.       A life that showed hatred toward God

b.      That OLD LIFE that rejected, rebelled, ignored, denied and constantly cursed God

2.      Note: God called believers to be “THE BELOVED OF GOD”

a.       Those who receive His love in Christ Jesus

b.      Who allows Him to shower His love upon them

C.    The main point is this

1.      The elect of God are those who have really believed and trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior

2.      These are those who have now the NEW LIFE IN CHRIST

a.       This passage for believers – Note the command –PUT ON

b.      This is a picture of putting on clothes

3.      The believer is to CLOTHE THE NEW MAN

a.       The NEW MAN must not be left naked

b.      He must be clothed right

c.       What are these garments to put on?

d.      There are eight of the most important items for the NEW MAN

4.      Here are the eight items

a.       MERCY – kindness – the power to forgive

b.      KINDNESS – it is being kind and good

c.       HUMILITY – lowliness of mind

d.      MEEKNESS – gentle, tender

e.       PATIENCE – perseverance

f.        FORBEARANCE –to hold back, to refrain

g.       FORGIVNESS – be gracious to a person

h.       LOVE – the bond of perfection


Conclusion: We have seen what the garments of the elect are.  The Holy Spirit speaks to each of us to begin to mortify, strip off and begin to put on the CLOTHES OF GOD.  God does not want to put clean clothes on over dirty ones.  We must begin by casting off the old and get ourselves ready to put on the new.


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