The Garments # 1

Colossians 3:12-14


Introduction:  Last week we were commanded to “Put On”  the garments that are suitable for the born again, Spirit filled believer.  When we stand naked before God, He desires us to be clothed with the proper garments.  Today we begin to look at four of the eight different articles of clothing for the true believer.


I.                    MERCY—Vs 12b

A.    The believer must put on the garment of MERCY

1.      Mercy means – Kindness, power to forgive, compassion, pity, tender heartedness

a.       God had so much Mercy on us

b.      We should show mercy to others

c.       Compassion and pity should flood our hearts for the:

1.  Lost, hurting, homeless, empty, wayward, diseased, hungry, unclothed, lonely, poor, aged, orphans

B.     The point is the believer has no right too:

1.      To overlook the needy

a.       A point to be most careful in

2.      The needy here are not only the poor and outcast but the up and out as well

3.      The NEW MAN with a new life is to have:

a.       Compassion and reach out to the world

b.      Not holding back anything

c.       Isaiah 58:7,  Acts 20:35,  Hebrews 13:3


II.                 KINDNESS – Vs 12c

A.    The believer must put on the garment of KINDNESS

1.      Kindness – it is being kind and good – useful and helpful – gentle and sweet – considerate and gracious in all situations

2.      A person who shows KINDNESS does not act:

a.       Hard – indifferent – harsh – unconcerned – too busy – better

3.      Kindness cares for the feelings of others

a.       Expresses sympathy – shows care – suffers with those who suffer

b.      Luke 6:35,  Ephesians 2:4-7, 4:32,  Romans 12:10,  2 Peter 1:5-7



III.               HUMBLENESS OF MIND – HUMILITY – Vs 12b [Philippians 2:3]

A.    The believer must put on the garment of humility

1.      Humility – lowliness of mind – to offer oneself as lowly and submissive – to walk in a spirit of lowliness

B.     What men have thought about HUMILITY

1.      As a coward – a cringing – a despicable – slavish type person

2.      Men fear HUMILITY as a sign of weakness

C.    Remember it takes a humble spirit to be saved

1.      God makes people strong

2.      God’s humility is not as man thinks

3.      Matthew 23:12,  Ephesians 4:12,  1 Peter 5:6

D.    HUMILITY – HUMBLENESS requires courage

1.      Courage to change and come to Christ as a small child

2.      Courage to become Christ-centered and people centered

3.      Giving ourselves to the Cause of Christ

E.     Believers are to concentrate upon Christ

1.      To reach people with the Glorious Gospel

2.      The test of true HUMILITY – HUMBLINESS

3.      Matthew 18:2-6,  19:21,  25:43,  Luke 9:23-24,  2 Corinthians 8:9


IV.              MEEKNESS – Vs 12c

A.    The believer must put on the garment of MEEKNESS

1.      Means – gentle – tender – humble – mild – considerate – but strongly so

2.      Meekness has the strength to control and discipline

B.     MEEKNESS has a humble state of mind

1.      Does not mean a person is weak, cowardly, or bowing

2.      A meek person loves peace

C.    MEEKNESS has a strong state of mind

1.      It wants right and justice done

2.      It is not weak and ignores evil and wrong

D.    MEEKNESS has strong self control

1.      One controls his spirit and mind

2.      Controls lust of the flesh

3.      Does not give way to ill temper – retaliation – passion – indulgence

4.      The meek person dies to self and puts on the garment of meekness

E.     A MEEK PERSON walks in a humble, tender but a strong state of mind

1.      He denies himself, giving, considerate of others

2.      He shows a controlled and righteous anger against injustice and evil

3.      He forgets – and lives for Christ – thanking Him for what He has done

F.     Three thoughts:

1.      God is MEEK  -- Galatians 5:22-23

2.      Jesus Christ was MEEK  - -  Matthew 11:29

3.      Believers are to be MEEK

4.      Galatians 6:1,  Ephesians 4:1-3,  2 Timothy 2:25,  Titus 3:2,     James 1:21,  3:13,  1 Peter 3:4


Conclusion:  Now we have heard four of the eight garments for the believer to put on.  Has it gotten any easier yet?  I will say no for all of us.  We are talking about the Christian Walk for God.  If true REVIVAL is to come, these are the garments we must put on.  


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