Garments’ Two

Colossians 3:13-14


Introduction: Last week we put on four of the eight garments required for the successful Christian Walk.  Today we will put on the other four articles the believer is to be clothed with. 


I.                   Longsuffering – Patience Vs 13

A.    The believer must put on the garment of LONGSUFFERIN

1.      Means – patience – bearing and suffering a long time – perseverance – being constant – steadfast and enduring

2.      Longsuffering never gives in

a.       Never broken no matter what attacks it

B.     Two significant things need to be noted about LONGSUFFERING

1.      Longsuffering never strikes back

2.      The Christian is given the power to suffer or overcome the situation

3.      It is one of the great trials of God

4.      Remember – God is very LONGSUFFERING toward sinners

a.       God withholds judgment, waiting for more to be saved

b.      Romans 2:4, 2 Peter 3:15, 1 Timothy 1:16

c.       God saves believers to be examples of LONGSUFFERING

II.                Forbearance – Vs 13a

A.    The believer must put on the garment of FORBRARENCE or FORBEARING

1.      Means – to hold back – to put up with – to refrain – to bear with – to control

a.       NOTE:  There are many things a person has to deal with in other people

b.      All of us are guilty of some - - -

c.       Weakness – neglect – bad behavior – failure – bad habit – mistreatment – irritating behavior

2.      These are just some of the things that turn people off

a.       All of us do things that irritate others

b.      All our flaws can be picked out by others

3.      This is not what the Scripture says to do

a.       The Word says for the believer to put on the clothing of FORBEARANCE

b.      The believer is to FORBEAR the flaws of others

c.       Put up with and bear with the weakness of other believers

d.      Romans 15:1,  Galatians 6:2,  Ephesians 4:1-2


III.             Forgiveness – Vs 13b

A.    The believer must put on the garment of FORGIVENESS

1.      Means:  Must be forgiving – be gracious to a person – pardon him for some wrong

a.       NOTE:  A quarrel of some differences take place

b.      This has brought pain and hurt to us

c.       No matter what has been done - -

1.  We are to have a spirit of forgiveness clothing us

2.  So clothed, no difference or quarrel can shake us

B.     Note Why:  Christ has forgiven us!

1.      Regardless how wrong it is against us –

a.       How wrong we have done against Christ

b.      Yet, Christ has forgiven us

c.       We are to forgive others, no matter how great the wrong

d.      Mark 11:25,  Luke 6:35-36,  17:4,  Ephesians 4:32


IV.              LOVE= Vs 14

A.    Above All – The believer is to put on the GARMRNT OF LOVE

1.      Love – a-ga-pen - the main garment of the believers new life

a.       It is called the “Bond of Perfection”

b.      Love binds all the clothing or the great qualities of the believer together

B.     If the believer has ‘put on’ LOVE

1.      IF he REALLY loves people - - -

2.      They are always clothed with:


b.      Romans 5:6, 8, 5:10,  Mark 12:29-31,  1 Corinthians 13:13


Conclusion: Glory!  We have been presented with all the garments for that walk with the Lord Jesus.  How we walk is up to us.  We can wear these garments proudly or we can just walk.  Which is better, walk as a living testimony for Jesus or just walk?   



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