The Believers Duty

Colossians 3:15-17


Introduction: This is the last of the messages from Colossians chapter three.  As Paul wrote this letter, he was outlining the steps for the believer to walk in.  The believer was admonished to seek those things, which are above where Christ sits on the right hand of God.  We are to set our affections on Him, not the world.  Then we were to mortify, to kill the flesh, and begin to put off those undesirable things and to put on the desirable.  The Peace of God, the Word and the Believer’s duties are the last commands that we are given to abide by.


I.                    The Believers Duty – Vs 17

A.    The believer must have a heart that does all in the Name of Christ

1.      Whatever he does in word or deed, he does all in the Name of Christ

B.     Three major points

1.      ONE:  The believer has a choice

a.       He is the one who speaks and acts

b.      No one speaks or acts for him

c.       Whether or not he speaks or acts for Christ is his choice

2.      The command is there – Vs 17b

a.       “Do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus”

b.      What he talks about and does is his choice

c.       He alone is responsible for his words and deeds


II.                 In the Name of the Lord Jesus

A.    The believer is to do all in THAT NAME

1.      TWO:  The believer knows something- - - -

a.       The Name of Christ is the ONLY NAME that God accepts in His presence

2.      Therefore:  The only persons He accepts are:

a.       Ones who come to Him in the Name of Jesus Christ

B.     “There is no other NAME given among men whereby men may be saved”

1.      Therefore: The believer approaches God  In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ”

2.      That is, by surrendering his life to Christ, and by living for Christ

C.    This is the reason the believer does not dare speak or act outside of the Name of Christ

1.      If so, evidence he had not really approached God in Christ

2.      That his profession was a false profession


III.               What does it Mean to “Do All in the Name of Jesus?”

A.    It Means  - - - - -

1.      To live, move and have our being in the Name of Christ

2.      To trust and depend upon the Name of Christ in all we do

3.      To claim the Name of Christ in all that we say or do

4.      To represent Christ in all we say or do


B.     Simply Stated - - - -

1.      We must do nothing that dishonors Christ

2.      When we speak, Christ peppers and fills our conservation

3.      When we act, Christ is honored by our behavior

C.    Something we must remember  - -

1.      Christ hears every word and sees every deed

D.    We must love Him with all our heart

1.      Therefore:  We seek never to hurt or cause pain by what we say or do

2.      We diligently seek to bring only honor to His Name

3.      Luke 24:45-47,  John 14:13-14, 20:30-31,  Ephesians 5:18-21


IV.              Our Response is That of Thanksgiving – Vs 17c

A.    THREE:  God the Father has become the believers Father in Christ

1.      Through Christ and only by Christ is this possible

2.      Therefore:  The believer is constantly thanking God the Father

B.     NOTE:  Even in thanksgiving - - -

1.      The believer approaches God only by Christ

2.      In all our praise and worship and thanksgiving –

a.       We must approach God through Jesus Christ

b.      God will accept no person apart from Christ

c.       Not even to offer thanksgiving and praise

3.      1 Corinthians 10:31-33,  Colossians 3:22-25


Conclusion: These three final steps are very important in our daily walk.  In all we do, do unto the glory of the Lord.  Jesus has given us the authority to use His name in every walk of our life.  Because of this, through Jesus Christ, God has become our Heavenly Father.  Now it is our personal responsibility to walk, talk and live for Jesus.  In this walk we are to praise and worship and give continual thanksgiving to God for all He has done, is doing, and going to do for us.


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