The Cross to be Preached # 2

1 Corinthians 1:18 [17-25]


Introduction: Last week we saw the mission of the preacher and the results of not preaching the gospel of the Cross of Christ. Preaching and witnessing with man’s wisdom of words causes the Cross to be emptied of its power.  Today we will see the power of the Cross of Christ.


I.               The Cross is the Power of God – Vs 18

A.   Note two significant points.

1.     One: The preaching of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.

a.     This preaching is “The Word of the Cross”

b.     Big difference between “words of wisdom” and the “word of the Cross”

c.     The world’s wisdom included many words to help find truth and meaning.

d.     But the Word of the Cross is the only way to the truth and meaning of life.

2.     For the present, the point is to show:

a.     Men who do not come to Christ through the Cross are in a state of perishing.

b.     The lost do not like the message of the Cross

1.     The message of the crucified

2.     The power of the Blood that was shed

c.     The lost do not like the simple message of salvation.

3.     Two:  The preaching of the Cross is the power of God to those who are saved.

a.     No other message has changed lives like the message of the Cross of Christ.

1.     No other message on earth can:

a.     Reconcile men to God and put them under His daily care

b.     Can give men the “perfect assurance” of God’s daily love

2.     No message has changed lives like the Message of the Cross

a.     No message has revolutionized societies and communities and families like the Cross of Christ.  Vs 18b


II.             Salvation or Perishing

A.   Here men are placed in two categories – perishing or being saved

1.     Man goes through life having one of these experiences

a.     He is either perishing, moving ever downward, toward the grave

b.     Or, he is being saved, moving ever upward toward eternal life

c.     Both these words are continuous action, that is being saved or perishing

d.     Man is gripped by the flesh and perishing or:

e.     Is ever ‘being saved’, free to walk uprightly and godly in this world

B.    The terrible meaning of Pershing

1.     Means to be lost, to be utterly destroyed, to lose eternal life, to be spiritually destitute, to be cut off

2.     Pershing means to be in a lost state in this world – it means to be:

a.     Aging, deteriorating, decaying, dying, - 1 Corinthians 15:50

b.     Without life, purpose, meaning, significance – John 10:10

c.     Without peace, assurance, confidence, security in God’s keeping – John 14:27

d.     Without hope of living forever – 2 Timothy 4:18

3.     Pershing means to be in a lost state in the world to come, it means:

a.     Having to die, facing judgment, being condemned

b.     Suffer separation from God and loved ones, experiencing all hell is

c.     Matthew 5:22, Luke 16:24-25, Hebrews 9:27,

Revelation 20:14-15


III.           The Great Word, SALVATION !

A.   Salvation, three words to describe the experience of the believer.

1.     The once for all experience of salvation

a.     It is the initial act of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

b.     Receiving Christ into one’s heart and life as Lord

c.     Being delivered from sin, death and hell

d.     Being given the assurance God will not leave us in this life or the one to come

e.     John 17:22,  Ephesians 2:5-8,  2 Timothy 1:9

2.     The continuous experience of Salvation

a.     An experience that is occurring right now

b.     Vs 18, NIV  -- “who are being saved” continuous action

1.     Not just ‘a one time experience’ of salvation

2.     It is a description of God’s work day by day in the believers life

                                 3. It is the Holy Spirit of God working within the believer

                                     a. Romans 6:14,  8:1-2,  2 Corinthians 3:18,  Galatians 2:20

                4.To guide and teach him, and deliver him through the trials of life

     a. John 14:16-23

5.To fill him with a heart of love, joy, and peace – Galatians 5:22-23

                                  6.To conform him more and more to be the image of Christ –

                                     A.2 Corinthians 3:18

              7.To stir and equip him to live and witness for Christ day by day

                                   a. Acts 1:8,  2 Timothy 1:7-8

B.    ‘Third’ -The redemptive experience of salvation

1.     Not only present but future – Romans 13:11

2.     Looking to the day when Christ shall usher in His Kingdom

3.     A new heaven and a new earth

4.     Romans 8:21-22,  1 Corinthians 15:42-44,  1 Peter 1:5


Conclusion: We have seen the two conditions of man, saved or lost.  The question is, where do you fit in this picture?                                                                              

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