The Cross to be Preached #3

1 Corinthians 1:17-25


Introduction: These passages are dealing with division within the Church of Corinth.  Today just to look at the division of the body of Christ.  We will see how far apart some of the teachings are when compared with the Bible.


I.               The Contrast between words -  Vs 17

A.   Words of Wisdom and Wisdom of Words and the Cross of Christ

1.     Words of Wisdom - - is plural, hinting at differences and divisions within the fellowship of Christ.

2.     The Cross of Christ is singular, suggesting unity of the Spirit

a.     The Cross alone is the answer to a divided Church

b.     It is not with words of human wisdom

c.     Human wisdom can never solve division

d.     It takes LOVE, love among all persons

3.     It is the Cross that reveals the Love of God

a.     It is a sign to an antagonistic world

b.     The Cross challenges man to love his fellowman

4.     The Cross is the answer both too:

a.     Division among men

b.     The problems that plague men and this world


II.             Seven Points That Will be Covered

  1.The cross is the primary mission of the preacher

  2. The cross can be emptied of its power

  3. The cross is the power of God

        4. The cross destroys the wisdom of men and makes foolish the wisdom of this        


        5. The cross is the wisdom and power of God to save them that believe

        6. The cross answers man’s search for God

        7. The cross proves that God’s way is wiser and stronger than man’s way


III.           The Cross is the Primary Mission of the Preacher

A.   The minister of the gospel is to preach the gospel of the cross.

1.     Paul declares in Vs 17, which means

a.     The message of the gospel IS the GOSPEL OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST.

b.     The content of preaching and witnessing is to be the Cross

c.     The main subject of our lives and conservation is to be the Cross of Christ.

2.     All other subjects of the Christian Life are due to the fact:

a.     We have been reconciled to God

b.     Brought near to God by the Cross of Christ

3.     The Cross demonstrates the Love of God

a.     The fact that HE accepts us

b.     He allows us to walk with Him day by day

4.     In all our preaching and witnessing:

a.     The glorious Love of God revealed in the Cross is to be the dominant theme.

b.     The preacher is to preach the Cross

c.     The believer is to bear witness to the Cross

B.    Rituals should never take the place of the Cross in ministry

1.     No matter how important they may be

a.     Even water  baptism and communion

2.     The central focus must be on the cross

3.     Because that “Old Rugged Cross” demonstrated the glorious love of God.

4.     So the primary mission of the preacher is the Cross, not rituals.

Thought: It is east to let rituals, ceremony, and form replace the Cross in the Church.  It is much easier to administer rites and ceremonies than spend hours in diligent study and to preach the cross to a selfish world that rejects the demand of self denial.

Note:  Something else, the demands upon minister’s time by other functions of the church are so consuming that he finds himself slipping from his primary call to study, pray, and preach the gospel.  The minister must not let this happen.  He must keep his priorities straight, he has to, no one else will do it for him.  He must focus on the Cross, he must make the Cross the primary subject of his life and preaching.


IV.           Two:  The Cross can be Emptied of its Power – Vs 17

A.   How? By preaching the gospel with “wisdom of words”

This means at least two things  ---

1.     The preacher becomes more concerned with eloquence than the Cross – his focus is on:

a.     Flowery speech  --  fluency

b.     Descriptive terms – expressive words

c.     Persuasive words – enticing words

d.     Charisma – appearance

2.     Concerned more with ‘content’ and ‘points’ and ‘arguments’:

a.     Than proclaiming the gospel of the Cross

b.     Having a good, dynamic sermon

c.     Or presenting a novel or new idea

d.     Stirring thoughts about some speculation or philosophy

Note:  Preaching with the “wisdom of words” make the Cross of Christ of no effect.  He voids or empties the Cross of its power, leaving people with attention on his flowerily message, instead of the Cross. The attention is upon the preacher.  The Cross is emptied of its power.  No life has been changed, not by God.

Thought:  The preacher is to preach the Cross and the Cross alone, not some new and novel ideas and speculations of men.  Vs 17          

                                   3. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5,    1 Corinthians 9:16


Conclusion: We have seen two of the seven.  Do we see how important it is to preach the gospel of the Cross?   




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