The Old Rugged Cross

Acts 2:22-24


Introduction: The Old Rugged Cross needs be our battle cry.  One of the most famous is, “Remember the Alamo”.  Another from Texas is “Hook’em horns” or from Ole Miss, the long rebel yell, or go to Alabama and hear “Roll Tide” or “War Eagle”. The cry of the Church should be, “Remember the Old Rugged Cross”!   {SING}


I.                    Jesus Christ, Death, Resurrection  -  Acts 2:22-24

A.    This is the day of God’s Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

1.      Peter drove the thrust of his message home –

a.       He shouted, “This is that” and “Hear these words”.

2.      The ‘last days’ have been launched by Jesus of Nazareth

3.      Because of that “Old Rugged Cross” Jesus commissioned us to “Go into all the world”.   Mark16:15-18


II.                 Jesus of Nazareth, Approved of God  - Vs 22

A.    Approved - - means, to point out, display, show, attest, accredit, sanction, certify, endorse.

1.      God put His stamp of approval upon Jesus

a.       Demonstrating and showing to all men that Jesus is ‘perfectly acceptable to Him’

2.      Jesus of Nazareth had God’s approval

a.       God’s perfect acceptance

B.     There is proof of this – His miracles and wonders and signs

1.      They were the works of God

a.       The kind that only God could do

b.      God Himself was working through Jesus

C.    The works were done through Christ, ‘in the midst of you’

1.      In the very presence of people

2.      They were not done in secret

3.      God attested and demonstrated to the world:

a.       That He was working through Christ Jesus

4.      The miracles, wonders, and signs were done both for the sake of the world and before the world.

D.    “You yourselves also know”

1.      That man knows, God has clearly shown He approves of Jesus.

2.      The evidence abounds in the lives of those who have truly followed Christ Jesus.

3.      It is the very presence of “The Living Christ” within their being.


III.               The Death of Jesus of Nazareth was Planned by God

A.    It was planned due to man’s wickedness

1.      God planned Jesus’ death

2.      Planned for Him to die on the cross

3.      Again, God planned it ‘because of man’s wickedness’

B.     Note two points

1.      Jesus was crucified and slain by wicked hands

a.       Men are sinful, wicked, depraved, and selfish

1.      They want to go their own way

2.      They want to do their own thing

3.      They want to live their own lives

b.      Therefore they rebel and fight against God

1.      Against surrendering to God

2.      Against following God’s way

3.      Not allowing God to control their lives

4.      It was this corruptible nature that crucified Jesus

2.      The “Foreknowledge and determined council of God” saved man

a.       God knew man, what was in man - - John 2:23-24

1.      God knew exactly what man would do to His Son

2.      God knew they would kill His Son

b.      But – in the counsel and advice of His knowledge –

1.      In consideration of all possibilities

2.      God knew something else as well

3.      He knew the way of death, the way of the cross

4.      It was the best way to save man

c.       Knowing God, He was bound to choose the best way.

1.      So God was determined to use the best way possible

2.      It was the death of His Son to save the world

3.      John 3:14-16

4.      Romans 5:6-9

5.      1 Peter 2:24, 3:18

d.      God foresaw even before the creation of man

1.      So in love, planned before hand that Christ dies for sinners.

a.       John 17:24 - -  Jesus

b.      Ephesians 1:4 - - Paul

c.       1 Peter 1:20 - -  Peter

d.      Revelation 13:8 - - John


IV.              Our Battle Cry - -: The Old Rugged Cross”

A.    Our primary message must be “Christ and Him crucified”

1.      On the cross is where Satan thought he had defeated God

2.      All the demons of hell were rejoicing

3.      Defeat was all around but - - - -

B.     On the Third Day - - - Vs 24

1.      He arose – loosed the pains of death

2.      Jesus stormed hell and set the captives free

C.    And because of that “Old Rugged Cross” - - -

1.      We are free - -  Saved  - - Vs 21

2.      Healed, delivered, secure in Christ



Conclusion: Repeat “The Old Rugged Cross” -  Sing the last verse.  Are you ever true to that old cross?  Jesus will call us home one day.  So cherish that old rugged cross.  Our cry is to be “Remember the Old Rugged Cross”, each day of our life.

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